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For Fireman and Painless


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Silly bloody sods..reprehensible behaviour and in light of the documented decline of the bee population, and the resultant affect this is having on plant/crop pollination.

Good show of the Canon Digital Rebel (300DX) abilities though.

http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... id=2243176

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I think that is absolutely the funniest friggin thing ive seen on the internet yet. I literally can't stop laughing, and I am sleepy as hell.


The comments really set it off. I had to stop reading them to allow myself to breath again. I've spetn alot of my time trying to kill and wage war on things that sting, bite,have 8 legs, poop in my closet, or make my nads itch.....so I can sympathize with them.

What i cant figure is how nobody called 911 demanding the PD or FD or both. The gasoline tour of duty really set it off. And the photography was fantastic. God I can't stop laughing.

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