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Currently there are 250 firefighters on this fire.Several crews are from Ontario and from Washington State.The first crews to arrive were native Indians from northern B.C.

There are 16 homes on evac alert.At 9:00pm aug.16,I sat on my parent's front lawn and watched the fire crest the top of the moutain and make it's way towards the town.They live in a small community called Fruitvale,15 min S.E of my town of Trail.So far this fire is not contained but the big blow up is overand it has settled down somewhat.

Extremely smoky around here now,as well as very tense.......All for now.

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It's raining!!

It's been raining for 4hrs now.This will really help cool temps down today.

@Rog...It was a close call that day for my father.He was shaken up a bit by the whole thing.but he's fine.Also, Everyone made it out ok that day.Credit must be given to those who are responsible for the organization of

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Here's a few more pics taken from the night of Aug.16 from my parent's house as the fire comes over the crest of the hill...





As of today the fire is 70% contained.the American crews have returned home.There are still about 60 homes on evac alert.230 fire fighters are still on the lines.It would appear that the worst is over now.

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