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Bloody computer has gone wrong !


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, Sorry I didn't fly Tuesday as intended but my lovely new computer has gone tits up !!

It is not sending a signal to the monitor, X52, and Keyboard .

Tried to run old keyboard and monitor from it with no luck.

Have carefully checked all wires and connectors , all seem ok ?

Have a M8 comming over tomorrow to have a look and maybe find out whats gone wrong.

Just when I thought everything was going great, this happens AHHHHHH !! :-\

~S~ Computerless.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum


Chris, no m8, no bleep at all, no screen except for a "no signal" box if I physically turn monitor on.

Dave, yes its still under warranty.(but what a pain setting everything up again !!)

Rog, CMOS reset, ah I think thats what Haweyepierce is going to try tonight. He said he would bring a disc which would boot my BIOS :huh:(or something like that) :)

Mike, dam right cucking fomputers M8 !!!

~S~ Brainless.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Dig your manual up, the CMOS reset may just be a case of unplugging mains lead, moving a jumper (usually found in close proximity to the CMOS Battery) from pins 1 & 2 to 2 & 3 for a few seconds, then putting it back on pins 1 & 2 and re - applying power.

Some boards however require battery removal, and/or leaving the jumper on for a 30 minute period (on really awkward ones).

My system is still a little suspect, this 2nd hand board will light up when power is applied.

But won't jump into life for up to five minutes after the button has been pressed, a bit like me in the mornings except quicker!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, well my M8 "hawkeyepierce" came round, took the side off , wiggled a couple of things and now it bloody works fine :huh:

Fingers crossed it was just a bit of "thermal creep !" LOL :-\

Will fill the case full of concrete if that doesn't cure it ! ;)

Thanks for your help Dogz ~S~

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You coulda gotten around all that by just doing the American remedy....hit it with a hammer.

and you blokes going to Aingland, I just reckon you better dang well take a camera and get some good pix. Remember, prop planes in flight need a 1/250th shutter speed to not freeze the props. Get the sun behind you if you can, and stand facing the runway and Pivot your body as they fly past....pan with em damn it.

And an iso speed adjustment of 400 is usually the best, though with digital jobs iso 200 is ok usually.

I need to put a sticky on here about taking aircraft photos.

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