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Re: Salute, K9


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After Mr. BG's rather warm and friendly reply, here I am.

It's proper to introduce myself, so here goes...

I'm an easy going fella from US, more specifically MD. I played IL2 for a while just as it came out(and I do mean the Maddox's very first russian release). I prefer to think I was a-ok at it till I lost the game 3-4 years ago. And just recently picked up the 1946 to get into the sky once more. Never played the flight sims online, so I suppose I'll need some etiquette crash course.

Oh yeah, I'm also surprisingly indifferent towards sheep cruelty.

Hope to see you all in the sky one of these days, chances are I'll be that burning guy with a torn parachute

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Pleased to see you made it over here August and registered. Welcome to the Dogz m8.

I was hoping you would be able to teach me how to take off and land but if you also need help I am sure some of the other K9s will be able to help us out.

You are now officially a Danger Dogz having completed all the requirements for membership ie finding your way in here.

Look forward to flying with you m8.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome August,

There are many people here who will be only too willing to answer any questions you may have, as lil-sparrow says, the only dumb question is one that you dont ask.

If however, you find yourself down or in need of someone to chat to, about any problems you may have, I am here for you. You may find me in the "Downed Pilot" our local village pub chatting to the rather lovely Brenda (for more on these topics have a look round the fourm for my Priory Of St Oleg newsletters.) I am happy to chat about anything that is worring you, the more selatious the better, I am often in need of a good subject for my occasional sermons or to scream out when you are on my tail to stop you shooting me down and as always, cash will ensure confidentiality.

Welcome again to the best dogdammed bunch of guys around.


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Well, no stupid questions left behind then, here it comes:

Complex engine management thing... Sounds like it'll take me a decade to figure out... What a borderline retarded person like moi to do about it? :tard:

What realism settings are on/off? I saw some mentioned, but most were not.

How about acceptable models? Don't suppose it's ok to toss Me-262 on some motor powered plane. Or am I wrong?

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How about acceptable models? Don't suppose it's ok to toss Me-262 on some motor powered plane. Or am I wrong?

During the dog fight portion of the evening, you can take whatever uber plane tickles your fancy.

Co-ops on the other hand are for the most part reasonably historical in their match ups.

If you start a quick mission in the game and hit difficulty there are two pages of switches.

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CEM is really to do with superchargers , mixture, boost or WEP and proppitch and Ill throw in trim as well

1) superchargers- some planes have superchargers - these are used to increase the engine power above certain heights - some have one stage , some two.

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August sir. Next get together is tomorrow afternoon Sunday, May 13 at 2:30pm Eastern Standard Time.

I believe you know how to join Teamspeak. If not please say so and I can help you with that.

I will email you my game server game IP and you enter that under Multiplay, Join Server, you should be able to connect.

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