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Anyone want to buy an X52?


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http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1

i think i might regret this

i have it on ebay at a reserve of £90 including track ir and a copy of the game. however if it doesnt sell i am happy to offer a special K9er's rate.

i hope this post isnt inappropriate, im not trying to make money off pals but thought it might interest someone.

if it is deemed inappropriate please delete or edit with prejudice, i dont mind at all.

The reason for the sale is i am getting increasingly disillusioned with my pcs performance and i lack the money to keep upgrading or buying new stuff. IL2 just doesnt run nice for me with any level of objects, my CPU is clearly pants and i dont have time to tweak and get the best from it

i think in the meantime im better to cut my losses and enter console world for a while.

I will be staying around if thats ok though since i like the banter and once my cash flow problems are over and maybe BOB is out rest assured i will be back with a vengance. I have been playing il2 since 2003 and currently everytime i try to enjoy a nice coop or one of the campaigns i get ridiculous slowdown and it really ruins the immersion

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shame you had to do this mate but I understand where you are coming from. Since pacific fighters the game has gotten more and more intensive and has driven a few folk away who cant afford to upgrade. It looks a very good offer so Im sure someone will snap it up . I hope you can get back soon - Im not sure BOB will take over from il2 that quickly- Ill still play this version for a good while until BOB gets more content.

anyways keep in touch mate - we will miss you in the virtual skies


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Same here, mate. Sorry to see you not fly with us anymore for awhile, but you're always welcome to visit! Nice flying with you , and hope to see you around soon!

BTW: do you have the same problems on HL as you did with our SEOW with the 352nd?

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That sux, Dazza.

Unless you're really strapped for cash, why not just tuck your HOTAS and DVD away for the day you upgrade or get a new computer?

You may as well not have to buy new peripherals if you don't need too :)

In the interim, you will be missed.

Good luck and hope too see you back in the air sometime :icon_salut:

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Dammit Dazza, don't do it m8. Theres got to be a way round this.

I had no money at Xmas. then my PC went bang. Bought a bottom of the range Core 2 duo rig

from Gladiator for 600 quid = 10 and a half quid each month on the credit card.

This thing has got to be worth a tenner a month and a diet of cardboard. :)

Good luck, and good flying with you, whatever you do.  

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your a great bunch of guys, thanks for all the kind words.

@ Rog: thanks mate your very kind. I think i maybe need a hiatus though, and i dont have the inclination to perserve.

Thing is i like games in general and im sick with every new game screwing my pc. my brother and best pal both have 360s and it might be nice to play with them on live and not have to patch and reinstall and crash etc.

@ all-its only intended to be a short hiatus though, i dont think il be this skint for long, my granny is looking a bit pale!

also: theres a good chance i wont be able to sell the f u c k i n g thing and il be back tail between my legs next week like the drama queen i am!


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I can relate to needing a break every once in a while, but please don't do anything you'll regret later. If you do indeed have the IL2 gene you may be in for a nasty case of colitis if you don't get your "medication".  ;)

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