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"Afrika" Missions for co-op conversion

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Salute Sir,

I for one have been looking with great interest at your screen prints from the comming campaign over on the zoo, and like many of the others that have seen them, am very impressed with your eye for detail.

I dont get much time to fly off line campaigns but if we can mod some for dogz co-ops, now your talking......

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Sounds brilliant, FSM. I too have been following the thread at Ubi...

How you can manage to convert them while taking care of a new born is a trick I'm eager to learn...

How is the little one? If I recall correctly you and your wife were expecting a girl... any pictures you'd like to share?



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I go away for a few days and the insults start. :) Obviously, I am sincerely missed.

I have run the Afrika campaign as coops maybe five different times. I usually run three or four missions interspersed with other coops each session we fly. Although, I hate to change any of FlatSpinMan's missions,

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That's good to hear. I'm sure the number of objects is a big drag on the net but glad you presevered. BG - no probs about changing the RAF types. It was quite tempting to do the same in my campaign but it just didn't suit the time frame.

Sged - glad you liked them. The Spits mission sounds like something from Billy Pryce/EAFWHizz maybe. I know he has made 4 Med campaigns for the RAF. Actually, they would probably be a laugh for co-ops - lots of low-level quick action.

BG - here is yet another reason why I can't/don't fly online.


My new daughter (our first child) Aika! This pic is two hours after she was born two weeks ago. She's gorgeous. A troublemaker for her mum but lovely nonetheless.

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