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Dogz Meet Up at De Haviland Museum?


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I am looking to go by train (being an old git with short arms and deep pockets, I have a free travel pass...) Easy journey from my place. train to Finsbury Park then change to Potters Bar if any one wanted to crash at my place on the Friday night and join me "letting the train take the strain"

(being an old git with short arms and deep pockets, I have a free travel pass...)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
20 minutes ago, Friar said:

Just double checked and I will have to drive after all as it is 4 MILES from the station, not 400 meters

Wow Col, not only is the decimal point in the wrong place but you have converted to imperial as well. Dude !😉

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  • 2. Administrators

Perhaps someone could collect you from the station Col?

I too will have to drive as it is 0.000000000004355 parsecs away from here and the trains are at best expensive and at worst missing entirely

  • Haha 1
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