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Saw '300' - It rocked!


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I went to see '300' on Saturday, and despite some trepidation on my part after seeing 'Sin City' (by the same director), it turns out that the movie was very well done.

It is based very closely on a graphic novel, so there are some very artistic flourishes and license, but at heart it told the tale well and what the battle meant for Greek survival and later world history.

The casting and acting were superb, the special effects were there to tell the story, not BE the story, and it had a lot of deeper meaning beyond the blood and mayhem amid the combat, which was intense.

I am well aware it won't be everyone's cup of tea, as it were, but I enjoyed it very much.

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I'm looking forward to seeing this. But are the action scenes aimed towards the 18-24 year old brigade who enjoy crap like Triple X II: State of the Union, or are people with slightly more brain cells going to enjoy it too?

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I'm looking forward to seeing this. But are the action scenes aimed towards the 18-24 year old brigade who enjoy crap like Triple X II: State of the Union, or are people with slightly more brain cells going to enjoy it too?

Yes, someone with a brain would enjoy it, if they pay attention and don't listen to the critics, who are a PC lot of twerps.

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