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Captain America Dies - Story I wrote and Co-Produced on CNN.COM


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Awesome work, Glenn. I'm getting the same kind of close associations with people around here at my work as well. Now I know someone who produces for CNN, a teacher of the main character in "Hotel Rwanda", and the friend of a victim of the mass murderer in the "Zodiac" murders (the last two are a colleague of mine.)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ DT , very interesting to read that the "Cap" was always much more than just a comic book character to the American public.

You are indeed a talented man Glenn.

Its a privilege to know you, (ya bastage

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Neat job you have there DT. I couldnt see the vid though, but the story was very informative for a guy who never read that comic. I was (in the 60s-I'm old as dirt-but not as old as BG) a reader of Sgt Rock, Sgt Fury, Combat, Enemy Ace, The Balloon buster, Johny Cloud, and a few others whose names I cant remember. I had a few superman issues, but he was never armed....I couldn't deal with that.

An appropriate story considering that our state is run by our own version of the taliban.....the Ga. Taliban to be exact.


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