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Web site funds


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

It's nearly time to renew the package, Saturday is invoicing day in fact.

Because the funds were paid into my paypal account I have to work out what funds are the K9s and what are mine, not as easy as it sounds as they are listed in US$, CA$ and £...plus the merchant fees and conversion fees, it's making my eyes blur! :icon_lol:

Any way I'll stump up and post what is owed (if anything) after Saturday.

I'm going to re-build the site too I think, the front end we are currently using (for the web pages not the forum) is due for renewal in a few months too. I have found a free, open source, replacement that is very good and does what I want of it.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nah forum stays the same, I like it and it is stable and so far spam proof.

It's the web front end I'm thinking of changing, it has never really looked right and learning how to make it look the way I think we want seems like too much effort.

I've been rolling my sleeves up and playing heavily with Joomla!, a content management system, that looks pretty good and can be readily changed to appear as I think we would like.

I did this site in Joomla!:

Birdline Parrot Rescue

Re: donations and button not working, it seems to work for me (can't really tell as it won't let me pay myself for some odd reason :icon_lol:).

If it doesn't work and you have an urge, drop me a line and I'll see what's up with it.

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