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Flying the Mustang: Engine Management


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Here's a post from the Zoo. Pretty good on how to use CEM in the 'Stang. Good tips on how to read your gauges, which then requires you to fly the airplane offline to test what changes do what to the plane at what heights...

Much like JO where you guys had to write the performance envelope for the plane, no?

[edit] Doh! Stupid brain!

Here's the link...

http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 5641027835

Thanks, Fireman!

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I enjoy the challenge of the Pony. Thats good information, if I can remember to do all that. :)

Thanks Rattler.

Yeah, remebering it all will be a challenge. Plus, to really excel at different planes will be even harder, because they all behave differently!

Also, you need to be able to do this in combat, which means knowing what to do without looking (by listening to the engine, and just SOP's)!!

This is one of the reasons I'm enjoying Zeke's vs. Wildcats so much: I tend to fly only 3 planes seriously: the A6M2-21, the A6M3 and 5, and the KI-84.

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