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Trip to New England Air Museum: 




Sat in this one (no children were injured)


and this one


a cookie for whoever identifies this


a prop recovered from one of Arthur's landings


Yes that's an H


and finally the guy on the right is authentic and goes with the plane, to the tune of 109 missions (unfortunately the serial numbers don't match)(sorry for the poor Quality on that one)

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Is that you in the kinky black leather jacket?

No, I went alone and I didn't want to hand anyone my camera. I probably should be more trusting, but the whole security guy thing,.....you know.

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Enforcer gets the cookie!, here's the other one;


Good try painless, B29 turrets are here,(they havn't dotten them in quite yet)


And a few more of the B25




It was very difficult to get overall photos of the planes since everything was so packed in. And of course the lighting was wreaking havoc with the camera settings. If any one is interested I'll post more as I get time. Also special orders are welcome, since I'm a member I can walk in nearly any time. I am going back on Thursday if I can make the time, I think the P-47 vet will be there.

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Ha! I finally won something! Photos in museums are really tuff to get, and they really arent useful for anything but reference and info......cant exactly sell em, but they are ffascinating to look at. You did very well. Some more of hte B25H would be interesting, especially the 75 installation.

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Great pics!!

Ergh...I think the B-29 guys had it tough......

A mission could be up to 20 hours non stop flying, tuned down after allies captured ground closer to Japan, but then it was still a 12 or more hour mission.....

Above Japan, they encountered a fierce wind (forgot the name in english, kind of a jetstream), so high altitude bombing was kinda a disaster....(pin point bombing), so the plans changed to lower altitude, and use burnbombs....day and nightbombing runs

It was known, that Japan industry took place in houses criss cross in towns/cities, ones pieces were assembled, trucks came and picked it up, so it was hard to hit "industry" as Allies saw in Germany, so civilian targets became "military" targets in a way...

On their way back, they could count on subs laying at specific locations, so all the crew had to do, when their plane was badly damaged, was flying to such a location, and ditch in the sea....

All this info comes from a 50 min + movie I have on a dvd...very interesting!

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The wind they encountered was the jetstream. Before B-29's came along, no one really knew it existed. One B-29 navigator found his plane with a negative ground speed because of it, even though their IAS was around 350 mph! The rest is meteorological history!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Tried 4 times to snag it, but rapidshares CAPTCHA is so flaky I couldn't get it.

I guess that's one of the reasons why I made it so we can upload up to 20Mb directly to our web server, and installed a photo gallery both in the web front-end and a separate Coppermine photo galery ;).

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When I get some time I'll upload some more general interest stuff to the gallery. The whole kit and kibootle is over 50 Meg but a lot of it is pretty hardcore. (theres even photos of PSP matting :o) Is there a better file sharing service that's free? (I'm a little poor right now)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

@ Badaim:

Do you have an ftp program?

If you do, or want to try ftp (there is a free ftp program available too) then you can upload to our server regardless of size, up to a maximum of course of a round 9Gb as that is al the space we have left!

I can guide you through it, or even create a 'publish to web' wizard.

I have another server with 200Gb of disk space though, so that could be used too :).

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Filezilla it is then. I'll google in a bit. I have some space on my site as well, I think and I don't think bandwidth would be a problem. Right now though I feel like crap so I'm gonna take a nap. this weather we've been getting is kicking my a$$, single digit temps one day, forties the next, rain, sleet, snow, wind. I'm waiting for frickin' locusts.

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