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DiCE: DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor by Bailey

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Have you been waiting too long for ED's CMS DTC feature? Wait no longer! Roll for initiative with DiCE and use the DCS Special Options menu to edit countermeasure programs!


Download DiCE v3 from the ED Userfiles here:



Hello and welcome to DiCE: DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor. DiCE allows you to use the DCS Special Options menu to change and modify the flare and chaff countermeasure programs of various DCS aircraft, for example the F-18C and F-16C. DiCE is a solution to DCS's not yet implemented DTC (Data Cartridge) CMS function.


The README includes:


-Install Instructions

-How it works

-Common or Possible Issues

-Acknowledgments and Credits


Huge thanks to all of the people who helped out with DiCE!




More pics below.



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Q: Is DiCE IC safe?

A: Yes, DiCE passes Integrity Check so you can use it for Single Player and Multiplayer.


Q: Does the DiCE mod remember your CM settings after DCS updates?

A: DCS should remember the Special Options menu so all you would have to do is press 'OK' in the Special Options menu for the aircraft to get its countermeasure profiles back after a DCS update.


Q: What aircraft are included?

A: F-18C, F-16C, A-10C, A-10C2, AV-8B, M2000C.


Q: I have DCS installed in Program Files. Why does DiCE crash when I try to edit a countermeasure profile?

A: DiCE does not have the privileges to write to Program Files. The current solution is to either run DCS as Admin, or manually start DiCE as Admin.



-If you would like to contribute to the development if DiCE, check out the code, or if you like spaghetti, the DiCE Github is located here: https://github.com/asherao/DiCE-DCS-...measure-Editor

-Please join us in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/PbYgC5e.

-Check out DiCE on the DCS forums here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=288709

-Check out my other Mods, Utilities. and VoiceAttack profiles here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.c...TED_BY=asherao

-Please feel free to donate. All donations go back into DCS to create more free mods, just like this one: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/asherao


Feel free to contact me on the ED forums (Bailey) or better yet on Discord (Bailey#6230). Remember that comments, questions, critiques, and requests are always welcome!






Version Notes:


-Initial Release

-DiCE F-18C enabled

-DiCE F-16C enabled


-DiCE A-10C and A-10C2 enabled (one Special Menu for both)


-Corrected some F-16C values


-DiCE now opens minimized (requested feature)

-Fixed a F-16 special options menu showing all zeros (added two parenthesis)


-DiCE AV-8B enabled


-DiCE M2000C enabled

-Adjusted some Gui stuff


-DiCE F-16C Harm Tables


Looks interesting, will give this a go I think, see here,

DiCE: DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor by Bailey - Mods and Apps - ED Forums (eagle.ru)

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