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recruiting thread


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I was sitting on the ubi forum the other days, in tears over the lost of 7 pages and 3 months of recruiting wit and insults from the crash...then realized that even with the loss, we still have over 13,000 views on our thread...which seems to be a huge amount more than any of the others.

not to shabby...

no wonder we've been able to recruit such fine squaddies as...well, um...it'll come to me...um...never mind...No, wait!

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I was sitting on the ubi forum the other days, in tears over the lost of 7 pages and 3 months of recruiting wit and insults from the crash...then realized that even with the loss, we still have over 13,000 views on our thread...which seems to be a huge amount more than any of the others.

not to shabby...

no wonder we've been able to recruit such fine squaddies as...well, um...it'll come to me...um...never mind...No, wait!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Perhaps I should go there and let them know about my work with the Priory and how we work to save fallen women and how we put them back out into the world to earn us, The Priory, (and them) a living and tell them about Brenda down at the Downed Pilot and about our aircraft mechanic called Bollocks and our semi-blind air traffic controller and how we use Mrs Thonlinson's rock cakes as ammo from the TB3 when we run out during the dogfights and about one of of squadron who takes pictures of hot chicks and posts them for us or about one of our members that takes in stray birds that need help, hay, thats like the work I do for the Priory, I have not looked at it like that before, and about one of the squad who makes strange noises like the strange character from "Whacky Races" or is it "Stop the Pigeon", but then again was that not a sub story within "Whacky Races", I remember that Dick never won, now theres a para-phrase I could talk about for a long time, and about our excellent technical support, and our brilliant mission builders and our tremendous historical and technical reasearchers and our amazingly skilled skinners and the generosity of our hosters and the fantastic time we have when we fly together and the amazimg feeling of commaradary we have, .....err....perhaps not...that might attract the wrong sort of person, we might get weirdo's who have some bizzare fondness........ for animals........ or........ livestock.....(nervous laugh) .cough cough. :-\

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