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Late Night Flying


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Had a blast on WarClouds last night, flying on comms with the usual red suspects in a flight of 4+ A-20 G's from an air-spawn, shifting targets every time we hit one. We even gathered a flight of high and mid level fighters for escort. It was a gas!

If you are ever on late at night (9-11 MST), you can often find me on Zeke's & Wildcats or WarClouds WF.

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rattler and I were on fire last night on ukded2 we both got around 3 each- pete maybe got more - anyway it was good fun with a fellow dogz as company

7, mate, but who's counting? UKDed for the most part is help out your mates achieve the objective. The guys on comms tend to wok together much better!

You by the way had 2 by the stats count, but it is notorius for missing kills to AAA. I know we were kicking serious ass over the Japanese carrier and the Allied ships on the Normandy map. Fun flying with you too!

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