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Looking for a movie that says what IL2 is all about


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  • 1. DDz Quorum


I am holding a talk in the Village Hall soon about IL2. Some of the non-flying villagers are curious about what goes on at the Airfield. I would like to show a movie to illustrait my talk.

Would you please offer up some suggestions as to a good IL2 built movie that demonstraits all that is great about the world we fly in.

I already have "Get It On", which is 109 v spit with the mark Bolan sound track. Can you guys suggest something better please. I also already have "Requiem". Does that say it all? What do you think?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Frior me old fruit,

Just thought of another one M8, "The Entertainer" . It's made by a mad Finn and is quite funny featuring TB3's and Gladiators.

Let me know if you want it and I'll send it to you .

~S~ Painless

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If you want some good online action shots set to a quite cool soundtrack, try 4"7heaven" by MysticPuma I think. I have it on my hard drive. Full of great action shots. That plus 'Requiem" are two of the movies that really got me hooked on IL2 before I was able to get my hands on the game.

Another one that shows lots of different theatres and planes with a cool soundtrack and lots of action is "Spread your Love" (Marc Bolan song).

The two movies I have posted about don't show the anarchic, insane side of the IL2 community but they do show a lot of the great IL2 moments - nailing a sweet deflection shot, blowing a wing off a bandit, blowing seven bells out of tanks with your rockets, etc etc. Also they lack narrative completely. I'm happy to upload them to any and all though.



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