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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Another unusual Tuesday release for update to Stable Release. Plenty to digest, in particular fixes to the tree shadows and the AI in a No-render dedicated server environment are particular highlights for me:

DCS update

DCS World
  • ChinaAssetPack. Add HQ-7 Launcher and Radar Vehicles
  • URAL-4320T now takes damage as expected
  • Naval Units now have health bars on the F10 map
  • ME. Trigger Zone of Search Then Engage task no longer freezes for relocation in some conditions.
  • Dedicated Server. Issues with -norender and AI not attacking now fixed.
  • ME. Error after clicking the Add button in tab Suppliers that appeared in some cases is fixed.
  • Corrected trees shadows.
  • In external view, the SPAAA ZSU-23 can cause lag, memory leak and even crash if stuck - fixed.
  • ME. Error when click on task Embarking, after changing infantry group - fixed.
  • ME. GUI Error when trying to select tasks "Radio usage when contact" in some cases - fixed.
  • SSE. RAlt+J command will not breaks unit name of the object for the scripting engine.
  • SSE. Coalition.addStaticObject unable to spawn objects on ships - fixed.
  • The spreading under fire of ground units - restored.
  • AI aircraft will not react to lock by undetectable optical systems.
  • Nose illumination lights don't longer illuminate the nose - fixed.
  • F10 map. The names of enemy airfields will not float away in the Fog of War mode.
  • MP. If setting is not enforced in mission file, used setting is not displayed on MP UI - fixed.
  • ME. Error when use the selecting arrows from stop condition with LAST WPT - fixed.
  • ME. Error when trying to delete cloned task - fixed.
  • Added interface variable 'ammo_type_default' for assignment of default munition mix for aircraft canons.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet
  • JSOW/JDAM Launch Zones will now update when switching to TGP TGT Point
  • Maverick no longer tries to lock while during slew to TGT Point with Non-Realistic TDC Slew Option
  • Weapon Programming no longer retained after the aircraft is shut down
  • Auto-bombing no longer affected by unselected waypoint altitude
  • AGM-65E(F) indicates RDY when Master ARM is SAFE - fixed.
  • Added some more input commands for FLIR controls on Right Console on Sensor Panel for 3-pos switches in category "Special For Joystick".
  • AGM-65 FOV can be changed even when not selected.
  • Aircraft position initialization, WPT designation isn't canceled by range if aircraft position is invalid.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Adjusted alpha channel for afterburner flame effects. (WIP)
  • Added missing floodlights.
  • Corrected directional sounds
  • Increased volume of external engine sound.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Decreased volume of structural stress sounds.
  • Corrected error from having the module show up twice in the mission editor.

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
  • NEW: JESTER can now tune radar elevation for a specific distance and altitude
  • Added JESTER Elevation Menu
  • Adjusted trim speed
  • Adjusted pitch damping
  • Adjusted power at low speeds
  • Adjusted Speedbrake drag
  • Adjusted pitch moment with gear and flaps
  • Adjusted High AOA buffeting to start at higher alpha
  • Fixed VF-24 Livery
  • Gave JESTER a bit more trust in his pilot, adjusted his eject criteria
  • Fixed swapped x and y in map markers, will work with JESTER again
  • Fixed possible right engine flameout bug on in-air respawn
  • Added new Quickstart mission “Watching the Devildog - Laser Guided Bombs”
  • Added SP and COOP (2 Crews) version of Watching the Devildog
  • More Tweaking to Afterburners (which remain WIP)

  • Weapons System Command enabled.
  • Radar search behavior updated to simulate real radar:
    - Radar antenna in TWS will not follow locked target.
    - Contact icons can disappear if they are not inside the radar sweep.
    - Contact icons now display on which bar they are located.
  • Following keybinds are modified:
    - Special Modes FWD to Weapons SystemCMD FWD
    - Special Modes AFT to Weapons SystemCMD AFT
    - Target Unlock/Special Modes Deselect to Weapons SystemCMD Depress
  • Updated Mission 06 of the campaign:
    - fixed the AI flight lead behaviour. He will now drop bombs from the
    - south and return to the anchor point.
    - fixed rare problem with the AI flight lead not taxiing.

  • Full set of 20 training missions made by Baltic Dragon is now available.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Added cockpit lighting synchronization in multicrew.
  • Fixed anti-collision light that could be off disregarding cockpit switch position at hot start.
  • Fixed not working animation of rear canopy of another human controlled C-101 in multiplayer.
  • Fixed again forward canopy synchronization so that partially opened canopy of human controlled C-101 is visible now for another player in multicrew.
  • Radioaltimeter DH light will not illuminate now above 2000 ft.
  • Added wing condensation effect.
  • Fixed several knobs inputs binding to keyboard or HOTAS (like markers, ignition light and MPR dimmers, stby horizon caging etc).

DCS Su-27
  • Corrected Su-27 training mission "Internal 30 mm Cannon".

DCS Spitfire IX
  • Added german Spitfire flight manual
  • Sun glare issues fixed

  • Combat Mix set as default munition mix for cannon.

DCS Fw 190 A8 "Anton":
  • Adjusted frontal cockpit glass frame sizing
  • Adjusted frontal glass opacity and color

DCS Fw 190 D9 "Dora":
  • Adjusted frontal cockpit glass frame sizing

  • F-15C: The Georgian War campaign by Baltic Dragon:
    - M10: Adjusted windsock position to prevent interference with AI flights.
    - M11: Adjusted windsock position to prevent interference with AI flights.
    - M12: Prevented Flanker despawning after landing from triggering an ROE violation.
    - M14: Adjusted trigger logic to allow player to escape ambush without being fired upon.
  • F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign by Maple Flag
    - Corrected Tanker speeds, altitudes, radios and TACANs
    - Updated documents to add tanker info
    - Corrected some voice over triggers to stop overlaps


  • Thanks 1

Thanks Tom.Saw it late last night and have downloaded this morning.The Spit sun glare issue and not having to fly two different 2000C's

are a bonus.

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