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HHers; Opps, I thought Fri was Sat, and missed our weekly shootout....


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Well, I musta been abducted by aliens, because i lost a day. I thought Saturday night was Fri night.....and I missed the fight. Note the time I posted my sunday screenies thread......while my squadron was having a rip roaring good time Im sure. I was really looking forward to flying the 4.07, but (and this is a recuring theme with me).........nooooooooo.

When I was riding my scooter 50 miles to Jasper this mornigng to get my windshield mounted (in gorgeous weather), I kept noticing churches with full lots....I thought the state had finally converted to full fanaticism at first, then I realized it was sunday. Well damn.

In my own defence, i can only elaborate that at the car lot ive been doing paper work for and other jobs part time closed before i was done, so i closed the place up. Well, I forgot to put up that 10 ton Honda classic bike before I locked the garage area. So I had to find the owner (who was in a big poker game-an illegal sin in taliban Ga) and get the keys, hauling ass about 60 on my scooter to and fro. Anyway, I finally got home at ar0und 9, and just lost my chronomatic orientation (I forgot what day it was). Thats why i wasnt there.

And I missed flying with the dogz today because a 40 min windshild installation

took 4 freaking hours.

And once i got back, I ran over an unfinished ditch dug in the road and it jarred my bike so bad that the spark plug wire came off and it died. If i hadnt called the dealer in Jasper who told me what to do, Id STILL be sitting in the middle of methville on the worse street in town.

Ive had a really Fracked up weekend.......damn. It's tuff to go a week without killing anyone.

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