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Track IR DCS


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I'm getting a broken kneck and am getting worn out from the irraticness of the this.

My TIR works fine in 1946, Clod, and ROF

But not in DCS or BOS.

I'm only listing stuff right now for DCS Because its the one I want to get a handle on first over the two.


Here is my profile. TOAD DCS.xml

Here are a coupl of tracks

trackir weirdness2.trk

trackir weirdness3.trk

Jack, AP, and fenrir

Have either had the problem or still suffering from it, and all have tried to help.

I've read its corrected in 2.0.3 in this thread, but Tom has that version I beleive.


any ideas?

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I think I just figured it out LOL

I adjusted Light filtering to the max. 253 Stock is 125.

TIR Light Filtering.jpg

Here is a track after adjusting it.

trackir fixed.trk


I'm not sure why I didn't have a problem with the older games though. The  new ones must be more sensitive. the only reflections I was picking up were behind me that I could see on the camera window, but I had covered them up already.

But it appears to be fixed. I could probably turn it down a bit but not sure why I would need to fiddle anymore since it works.

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  • 2 years later...

Speaking of, I can't get my Reqium 6DOF profile to show up in TIR 5.  It's in the correct folder (NatrualPoint/TrackIR/Profiles), but does not show up on the Profile tab under Profiles in the program.  Ideas?  I have hidden files viewable, which was the first thing mentioned on the DCS forum.  No luck.

NEVERMIND.  It's NP being idiotic.  Profiles are now WELL hidden, their location: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\NaturalPoint\TrackIR 5\Profiles

You'll probably have to un-hide hidden files to see 'AppData'.  Grumble.  So simple, yet so not.

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I was just about to guide you to the right path until I read the last bit on your post. Good you got it going.

Yeah stupid isn't it,

its like they don't want people to put profiles i. They changed that a long long  time ago, as found out after been frustrated Oh then the AppData file was hidden. Yeah WTF.  LOL

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On 9/24/2019 at 4:17 PM, FoolTrottel said:

It's like they do not want people to make a mess of stuff... 


Counter-counter argument: By making something that is useful difficult to access, you open up a bunch of ability to 'make a mess of stuff' when you hide the 'useful to mess with' stuff in a place with all that 'stuff shouldn't be messed with' and the 'useful to mess with' stuff is finally found.  So there!  😁

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