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alt history from the 4.07 read me


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Alternate History Timeline

June 6, 1944

D-Day goes very badly due to unexpected bad weather.

Hitler is taken sick and cannot personally intervene in the affairs.

June 8, 1944

Rommel’s concentrated counter-attack by all German units in Western Europe sends the Allies back into the Channel.

June 10, 1944

Last US paratroopers surrender at St Mere Eglise.

European Front is no more.

June 11, 1944

Allies cancel Operation Dragoon (invasion of Southern France in August of 1944)

July 20, 1944

Hitler is killed at Wolfsschanze in Rastenburg by Claus von Stauffenberg’s suitcase bomb.

General Ludwig Beck becomes shadow government’s head of state

Dr. Carl Goerdeler is shadow government’s Chancellor

Sporradic uprising by SS and Gestapo around Berlin begins.

Shadow government requests help from Western Allies.

Most Luftwaffe grounded; some individual pilots make their own choices for whom to support.

July 21, 1944

Western Allies enter temporary cease fire with Germany.

Berlin is fully in Shadow government’s hands.

Goering joins the Shadow government.

July 24, 1944

Himmler is killed in an air attack.

Some SS units begin to join the shadow government.

July 25, 1944

Emergency meeting is held between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in Stockholm.

Churchill wants a conditional surrender. Stalin wants to continue the war. Roosevelt is on the fence.

July 26, 1944

All German military units pledge allegiance to the Shadow government.

Churchill leaves the conference and announces he will seek unilateral peace with the new Germany.

Roosevelt demands that for US to stay in the war with Germany, USSR must declare war on Japan.

July 27, 1944

Several Soviet marshals plead with Stalin to seek peace with Germany

July 28, 1944

Stalin and Roosevelt fail to reach an agreement, and abandon negotiations.

US enters temporary cease-fire with Germany.

Stalin has his peace-seeking marshals executed.

July 29, 1944

Churchill and Goerdeler sign a Peace Pact.

Germany begins to move all units to the Eastern Front.

US and Great Britain begin a colossal operation of moving all European Forces to the Pacific.

August 1, 1944

1st Ukrainian Front’s Sandomierz Operation encounters fresh Panzer armies from the West.

August 3, 1944

1st Ukrainian is thrown back across the Vistula.

August 12, 1944

Crown Prince Wilhelm Hohenzollern is crowned Wilhelm, Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia

August 23, 1944

Red Army begins the Battle of Romania (Jassy-Chisinau Operation). German strength is over 1 million men.

August 24, 1944

Germany begins a concentrated offensive

Army Group A is aiming towards Kiev

Army Group Center is attacking towards Minsk and Leningrad

August 25, 1944

Army Group A takes Lublin and Przemysl

Army Group Center takes Grodno and Luga

2nd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts are shifted to fight Army Group A

3rd Ukrainian Front begins to retreat

August 28, 1944

2nd and 4th Ukrainian Fronts are surrounded near Vinnitsa between advancing Army Groups A, South and F

Army Group Center is shelling Leningrad

August 30, 1944

German IV Army under Balck enters Kiev

Roosevelt re-enters the scene and offers to mediate peace between USSR and Germany

August 31, 1944

Cease-fire begins on the Eastern Front

September 2, 1944

Stalin meets Kaiser Wilhelm in US-occupied Rome.

September 5, 1944

USSR and Germany sign a Peace Pact. Germany takes Luthiania, Poland, Western part of Ukraine including Kiev, Belarus half-way to Minsk.

April 12, 1945

Franklin D Roosevelt unexpectedly dies. Harry S Truman becomes president.

July 3, 1945

US and British forces invade Kyushu.

August 6, 1945

US drops an atomic bomb on Tokyo

August 9, 1945

US drops an atomic bomb on Kyoto

August 11, 1945

Japan surrenders.

US occupies of all Korea and Manchuria.

June 22, 1946

Soviet Union begins a major offensive along the entire Soviet-German border.

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Is this actually the basis for the 1946 cmpn ? Kinda interesting, and alot of thought went into this. I wonder if anyone will come up wiht an invasion of japan scenario....we got the planes for it. Is this the basis for a dgen cmpn or a scritped one? I feel a bit of canibalization coming on if its scripted.

I also forsee a bit of red star v white star posibilitiies, though there would ahve to be some appropriate skins to deal wiht the blue red thing. Since I dont seem to have time to do an offline job, maybe some coop ones.........who am I kidding? :-X

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