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Shuttleworth Uncovered Airshow - 4Th October (Vulcan)


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Would any UK dogz be interested in going to this event next month?




It's advanced ticket only at £22.50 before 28/4, £26 thereafter.

They are selling fast apparently owing to the fact it will probably be the last airshow appearance of the Vulcan!


I'll be honest, that's the main draw for me although the Old Warden shows are always a pleasant day out anyway.


Any takers?



EDIT: I've just booked myself two tickets! Not even sure if I can go :)

There's always eBay if I can't i guess!

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Fair enough chaps!

Just read that it sold out yesterday afternoon, so I was lucky to get tickets.

Charlotte is currently offered first refusal, but if she is unable to make it there will be a +1 available if anyone changes their mind  :salute:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luuuurvley Chris!  DH Comet - surely got to be right up there as one of the most beautiful flying machines ever created?


 Farewell XH558.   Must admit I've always had mixed feelings about this one but thats never detracted from my admiration for the dedication of those involved in the astonishing financial and technical feat of making it airworthy and keeping it in the air these last few years. :salute:     

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