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Land Ahoy! (Or: The Flooded Slovenia Map)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

This is with stock 4.13m, viewed from the Full Mission Builder.


On this one, you can see the highest mountain is still visible, ie above waterlevel, so not flooded.

(Yes, look closely, just above the blue arrow)




Whereas, on this one, the waterlevels are much higher, as now the highest mountain is not visible, so it must be completely flooded!




Both recorded from a distance of just over 36 km from the mountain.


Now that's the difference between WaterLevel=2 and WaterLevel=3


Never knew it worked this way...


:big_baby:  :sheepsmile:


Hm, should maybe test this on a desert map as well,  I bet all that sand will soke up much more water than all those rocks on the Slovaniaka map... so should maybe try WaterLevel=4.

Then again, the mountains on the desert map are not thát high ...


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Have you recently suffered a slight concussion Arjen ? Lol

There again you might be right because there are more clouds in the sky above the water level 2 than the water level 3 picture suggesting that more of the available moisture is contained in the level 3 sea :huh: ; )


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OpenGL Shaders version 2 create this weirdness.






is what I use. :)


But for grins, try:





(nvidia only).


If you have an ATI card, you can only go to 3.

If you want tech-talk, the reason is in the noise generator for wave height.

OpenGL: http://www.lousodrome.net/opengl/

void    update_height(void)
    int i,j;
    for(j = 0; j < RESOLUTION; j++)
        for(i = 0; i <= RESOLUTION; i++)
            float height_east = height[MIN(i+1,RESOLUTION)][j];
            float height_west = height[MAX(i-1,0)][j];
            float height_south = height[i][MAX(j-1,0)];
            float height_north = height[i][MIN(j+1, RESOLUTION-1)];
            height_v[i][j] += ((height_west+ height_east + height_south + height_north)/4 - height[i][j]);
            height_v[i][j] *= damping;
            height[i][j] += height_v[i][j];
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  • 1. DDz Quorum





The only setting changed in conf.ini to get this is Landgeom.

First picture it's set to three, second to two.


The distance to the mountain is just over 36km, that's why we do not see it when Landgeom=2 ...


On holiday?! Does this mean you really are coming to Legends?!  :icon_confused:


Yes on the holidays, (well, as of this Saturday), No on the Legends comin' ...

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On holiday?! Does this mean you really are coming to Legends?!  :icon_confused:


Yes on the holidays, (well, as of this Saturday), No on the Legends comin' ...


Well, I said i'd keep badgering you until the day comes :)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum



On holiday?! Does this mean you really are coming to Legends?!  :icon_confused:


Yes on the holidays, (well, as of this Saturday), No on the Legends comin' ...


Well, I said i'd keep badgering you until the day comes :)


You did, and you do!

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I can't decide, is that incredibly brave or just plain mad ?



Hmmm....mixture of both I suppose.  It's all relative.  When I was seventeen, after a couple of interviews, a medical and a signature from my dad, HM Queenie gave me a 7.62mm self loading rifle and permission to use it on total strangers.....brave or just plain mad? :P


Also, watch any coverage of this years I.O.M. TT races?  I was struck by the similarity.

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