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Dangerdogz Df Server


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ chaps


Do we have a map running on the Dangerdogz server? There are times when we are short of hosts on a Sunday and would like to fly around.....I know there is an answer, get hosting yourself but not always possible. Any maintenance required?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum



The df server is still 'available' though it is not up currently.


It has been running for ages, rotating df missions... the same ones over and over again.

It was stopped by me, due to lack of interest, and due to resources 'better' spent on our CloD server instance.

(You would not want an unused 1946 server use up resources and creating 'troubles' for a used CloD server....)


Just tonight, where it appeared we had no one to host, I was tempted to fire up the df server again... I refrained from doing so, as somehow I knew Painless would show up... :)


In the end, the problem I think is, that the df can be running and rotate missions, but those missions are all kinda old and predictable...

I remember Pooka asking me for new stuff, or for missions running longer... .then I ended up putting them really long-Coops-Run-As-Dogfigt-missions on, which ended up... indeed as being way too long...


I could somply bring it up on sundays, as long as crash and I are doing that VARP-SEOW....

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I'm not checking it to often so if something is wrong please post here on the forum or pm me.


The server runs Snackos mission pack which i did not check if all is running fine with the current IL2 version. 7.0.2? 

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Had quick look at the Varp server, any AI planes on it?  The mission running when I joined had the same plane set for red or blue, a simple dogfight mission.  Great if you have a bunch of guys show up otherwise I don't know.  So what is the story there, what is running?

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Checked the log this morning. When you connected server was running MDS_3 mission from Snackos pack. As i remember it should have AI? Maybe someone have a newer set of df missions for a server?

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