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Trackir Purchase


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~S~ Gents

Anyone can advise on where to buy a TrackIr with delivery to Eastern Europe ( Romania ) ? There are a few chaps here asking about it . When i got mine i was lucky to have a friend in the Netherlands ( not counting FT ...) who shipped it with some other business packages and also tested it prior to delivery here.

Thanks in advance

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Jabo, it's Romania ...


Ovy, check here: RightTing


TrackIR 5 incl. clip costs Euro 149,95 (GBP 108, currently)


Edit: This may not include the Clip Pro that Jabo mentions, but the normal reflective one!

Clip Pro costs Eur 39,95.


When I put one in my basket, and enter Romania as Country to deliver to (I used some random address in Costanta to try), it shows Euro 13,95 shipping cost.


And, I see no reason why you yourself should not be able order from there.

(I've bought myTrackIR stuff there, as well as the BUTshaker baskickers)

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