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sad farewell


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It is with sadness that I announce the passing of the great Doonesbury at age 17.

Part pig, part dog, part furniture warmer - Doones was a great friend for the past 15 1/2 years.

Babe magnet, dish cleaner, dinner leftover disposal unit, uber hair-shedder, biter of my kids feet...he was it all.

Went out like a pro though. Had him out on the lawn for a late night pee (for him, not me) and he chased a cat that was dumb enough to enter our yard. Unfortunately, Doones was never the brightest, and chased the cat off a 5 foot ledge. Nothing to worry about normally, but when you are 17 and have bad hip displacia, it is not the smart thing to do.

Target fixation I guess.

Anyways, poor Doones broke his hip. Sat with me for several hours while I waited for the wife to come home from work and watch the boys so I could take him to the all-night vet...not once whimpered or complained - which is remarkable considering his rear leg was just limp and completely separated from the hip.

A true Danger Dogz dog...


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sorry to hear of your loss.

Sounds like he was a real trooper, and 17yrs was a good innings.

I lost a 13 yr old GSD last year to hip troubles aggravated by spinal arthritis, carrying her in to the vets was heartbreaking.

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Sorry to hear this mate- I had a cocker spaniel for 12 years - one of the best friends I ever had- never got another dog as I dont think he could be replaced.

BTW my 2 lads both love Star Wars too and we have some great light sabre fights around the house.

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Kelly, I have already sent you an email about this but I also wanted to express my sadness on the Danger Dogz Forums. Loosing a pet is one of life's great miseries. There is nothing anyone can say to make up for that absolute trust that a dog adds to your everyday life. I think it is even worse because of the guilt one feels after they are gone.

Doones had 17 good years which is a long time for any dog.

We are proud to honour him as a true Danger Dogz.

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Really sorry to hear that Kelly.

Our family dog Mario (pictured my avatar) died a couple of months ago. Going to visit the folks for the first time since this weekend. 17 is remarkable- Mario was only 11, but he was still running after small animals up to the end!

All the best mate.

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Sorry to hear that the family's buddy passed on to the great squirrel chase in the sky, Kelly.

I grew up with three pulis (Hungarian sheepdogs with the rasta-dread coat)... let's just say I got herded around a fair bit (I'm only half kidding) by them. My dad was actually hit a lot harder when they died than my sister or I, as they were really his dogs (he was definitely the "alpha male" of the household to them).

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