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Operation Renovate (Jericho) - Take 3


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey Nage!


Process is as follows:


1. Wait till mission time is 1118 (12 mins from spawn). Clock is far left side of instrument panel.


2. Start your engine.


3. Hit tab. Select your flight. In your case, option '3', Red. Ovy you select option '4', White, and Arg0n option '5', Blue.






4. Then select option 'Q', Technical






5. Then select the Start Engines Option


All members of your  flight will start their engines. Before they do start pulling out from your dispersal point.






These are the routes the AI will be following; try to keep to them!





I have placed lights across the field to mark the runway - also the start of the runway is marked by some vehicles and an elevated green light to help guide you to that point.


The AI should not collide with you if you are careful, and most of the time they will stop and let you in if you get on a collision course - but just be wary!

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Thanks Fenrir for your effort to put everything together!


I recorded our squad dropping the bombs at the wall/building.

Painless bombs just missed the wall and hit the building. Bombay doors open but no bombs fell. Only the two from the wings and they exploded right away.

Me skipped the bombs on the ground and had a perfect hit on the wall. It took about 11 seconds until they exploded. The wall was breached. My bombay doors didn´t open, even though I saw the message..

Pooka also did a perfect skip bombing, hitting the ground and bounced into the wall. The bombs exploded right away but the wall didn´t break. Bombay door open but no bombs fell.


I dunno...

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Sweper, though we've tried to get everybody running only History and Expert, there's no way of telling everybody indeed had them running only.


Probably some did not... 


We should however try to have everybody running these on our regular coops.... 

We, you and I plus sombody else, I dont remember, tried this over and over and the conclusion was that it doesnt matter which settings we´d use, IL-2 is just cocked up when dropping bombs on stuff.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum


Sweper, though we've tried to get everybody running only History and Expert, there's no way of telling everybody indeed had them running only.


Probably some did not... 


We should however try to have everybody running these on our regular coops.... 

We, you and I plus sombody else, I dont remember, tried this over and over and the conclusion was that it doesnt matter which settings we´d use, IL-2 is just cocked up when dropping bombs on stuff.


Well, we used mixed stuff back then... I was on stock 4.12.2m, (a really a separate install) while yours (and others) were using the Hsfx-installl with stock selected in JSGME.


Yesterday, before the briefings, Jabo, Fenrir and me did some more testing, and with both true 4.12.2m stock, and with Hsfx with History and Expert, the issue did not occur... As long as we all had the exact same install, and same (limited) mods activated, all appeared to be fine.

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Nice...i forwarded it to the VARP guys

BTW , one of the Squadrons flying Blue  withdrew from the SEOW Kursk campaign so if any of the Dogz want to have fun it's a good time to join ...just don't think at the final outcome of the campaign :-)


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Thanks all  :salute:

Just got to find the time now to finish the feature length version!


Oh and can I just shout out to Friar who performed some splendid formation flying as my wingman on the sortie.

I didn't get to fully appreciate it until watching some of the tracks back, nice work mate  :thumbsu:

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Nice BB! I saw you all flying, almost joined in, but read the breif and decided I would not be up to par for such a day.

I've only had time to fly twice since last Winter before I moved to Iowa. But soon (January)

I should be able to get involvd again on a regular basis.

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