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Combat film of BGs UFO spit humiliating the Luftwaffe.


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This episode of K-9 dogfights is like a video game....only more frustrating. THis was the epic high alt dogfight where he outclimbed my Arrow in his alien enhanced Spit with 9000 F-ing pounds of nitro injection or some such crap.

Ive been having alot of problems with this site just locking up on me and not letting me post etc lately, so if htis gets interupted, just check back later and maybe i can finish it.

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Finally, just when I thought I was gonna have to break off, Pooka makes a deflection attack, and apparently scars the pilot so badly (if anyone knows who it is, let me know) that he finally breaks off....Klinger, you owe Pooka a thankyou beer.


Somewhere in this furball, I realized that Klinger had somehow come around and took up position a few meters off my wing, before taking off after his tormenter. Even the damaged Mobius joins in the fray....hell, he's still got one good engine.


I was so busy trying to kill this guy that I didnt realize that whole fracking Luftwaffe was chasing this guy from the same angle.


Somebody's cannon fire FINALLY contacted, removing a wing. I think it was Klinger's shot, and I think it was an AI Spit.....a mighty good one.


Suddenly, I saw a vapor trail far above me trying to escape....it was the evil Canadian slaver BG, fleeing at speed with no ailerons. So I hit boost and took off after him.


I climbed after him with Delta7 tagging along. I thought my 335 would handily catch up wiht the Spit, but, um, I was kinda........WRONG about that. As soon as Id start to close, he would turn, and I couldnt match the turn without falling outta the sky.

Even when I got him lined up, he was way outta range.


As always, the Canadian Spit pilot went into the sun, making it even harder for me to follow him, much less get a bead on him. Damn.


I kept hoping against hope that an ancient legend would kick in, since the last guy I heard of flying that close to the sun had the wax holding his wings togher melt. He just kept avoiding me, evading quite skillfully.


I finally did catch up laterally, and he was actually in 30mm range, but he was above me. No way I could get my guns to bear. I could only look up thru my canopy and curse all things Canadian....damn damn damn.

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It finally ended when I just couldnt climb any higher and my engine was boiling over....badly. Delta7 was already on his way down (see vapor trail), and surprisingly my "advanced" Arrow was falling outta the sky. At this point, it was obvious that Adolph's finest had failed to cut the head off the snake. Curse u CAnadian barron !

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Excellent Carl, as always m8 :)

Concerned you are still having problems with the forums, if others also experience this please let me know.

There is an update I need to apply as it has now gone gold (yes we have been using a Beta version

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I hvent had time to do any of these in weeks, but I stayed up way too late last night to finish this. I usually have trouble trying to reply and nothing happening, then losing my connection (:huh:). I have no idea why. I can usually reconnect and do ok....for a while.

Now If I could just get a few shots of Britney Spears climbing out of a car.

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Excellent Carl, as always m8 :)

Concerned you are still having problems with the forums, if others also experience this please let me know.

There is an update I need to apply as it has now gone gold (yes we have been using a Beta version

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Yeah, it usually clears up after a time or two. This morning ive been trying to log on, and I made it to the forums. When I clicked on this thread however, it wont load and my task manager indicates 100% CPU usage. The blue progress bar gets to about 20%, then stops and everything locks up. I can still hit the back button on IE and get back to the forums though. So I left for a moment, came back , and got on with no trouble at all.

It's obviously a devious British conspiracy against us "colonials".

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