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Season Of Joy

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Perhaps this is a cultural thing. Is it customary in Croatia not to wish people a Happy Christmas etc in the run up to the actual day? Rest easy though mate, you've not slept through it!

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:) Well Jabo to tell you the truth don`t know exactly but only business acquaintances greet days before if they are sure they will not meet in near future but friends and family greet at the day it self or next day if they don`t meet at Christmas day here in Croatia. Never really given any thought to it before today cuz it seemed to early for me. Sorry if i offended anyone just my point of view, maybe i`m wrong. 

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u r not wrong. u r just a poor moron and can't help your self  :pick_a_finger:


why would be wrong to wish good wishes 6 times a year and all for Christmas? and o/c 6 times a year for the rest of other holidays, and some more 6 times a year just for making a man happy.


Mary Christmas all ... again  :thumbsu:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Splendid Croation gentlemens...

To be fair we usually only wish people happy Christmas maybe one day before and two or three afterwards.

If it is a week or more before then we would say " if I don't see you before, happy Christmas" or something like that"

Dom wished us all happy christmas early because he never knows if he will still be at liberty in another 24 hrs !! LOL.

Hope that helps : )

Happy Saturday !


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