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So, my buddy Surly and I started these "Barf-o-Missions." Basically, they are "how fast can you make a mission" or, you have 1 hour to make a complete mission.


They make no historical sense at all (or don't have to). Mine generally don't.




My Panther / B29 (yes, I changed it) mission, I discovered a few things.


Taxi to take off (AI). Set the delay on the first taxi waypoint. You can't (shouldn't) use the STARTTIME parameter as they will form up on the runway, then spawn on the Stationary Aircraft when the STARTTIME value is reached.


Expert Mode introduces some (non realistic) ground control weirdness (at least on carriers) when trying to get to the catapult. Augh. If you have rudder pedals, you're fine. If you don't, it's a challenge.



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