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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. I'm a little over half way through watching this little gem of a film from the BBC archives of 1969.

    Unfortunately, I fear it may only be viewed this side of the pond, but by all means give it a go!


    Here's the synopsis:


    At a reunion of No. 501 Squadron at RAF Kenley, surviving Battle of Britain pilots gather to swap stories and recall the events of 1940. The 'Man Alive' team also visit some of the squadron members at their current homes and places of work to find out whether being part of such an elite band of men has had a lasting effect on their lives.




  2. Thanks guys. I was on me 'ollidayz Mick! :)

    Arthur, I do understand your reasoning and I was of the same opinion before I got there. I even took my gloves with me and wore them for the first 30mins… I did wear trainers every time though.

    To be honest it was too hot for anything else and the speeds we were doing, were not much more than what I get up to on my road bicycle which I wear even less for! Also, the traffic over there never reaches the speeds of over here in blighty, there's simply no need.

    That said, I wouldn't dream of doing the same over here, I always go out the door fully kitted up on my SV, regardless if the heat.

  3. Hello gents,


    Last week I spent 4 nights on the wonderful island of Malta. It was a last minute trip with a buddy and we decided the best way to tour the island(s) would be by scooter. Boy were we right! :)

    Not only was it a welcome break from the daily grind, but also another fantastic historical pilgrimage. Having recently finished reading Fenrir's copy of 'Malta: The thorn in Rommel's side' I was intrigued to visit some of the key places of interest that are talked about in the book. I have uploaded all my holiday snaps to Flickr where, among the random pictures of beer, ice cream and scooters you'll see the Grand Harbour, Royal Opera House ruins, Seige Bell memorial and Lascari's War Rooms of Valletta, along with the air musuem at former RAF Takali and more.


    It was an incredible few days, with some breathtaking sights, delicious food, wonderfully friendly people, wall to wall sun and truly awful 'roads' haha.


    For those who have not yet visited this little gem in the Mediterranean, I heartily recommend it!


    If you're interested, you can view the pictures here.



    Also, I put together a little video of our fun on the scooters :)



  4. I believe it's all about timing and money of course. The first step was the airworthy merlins, which they now have a stock of (5 I think). They've been doing large sections of overhaul during the winter maintenances, with the next major hurdle requiring a full strip down. The trouble with that is it will probably spend a year not bringing in the revenue taxiing and offering rides. Slowly slowly catch a monkey as they say.

  5. Also, the copilot/bombardier co-op controllability is going to be a fantastic addition. For me especially, I quite like the challenge sometimes of flying these heavies, but I wouldn't know where to begin with a bomb sight! So to have an expert Dogz bomber on board would be a perfect solution :)

  6. Bad news guys :(

    During a local flight from Durham Tees Valley Airport this morning, the Canadian Lancaster performed a precautionary engine shutdown. The aircraft landed safely without incident. It is now hangared and is undergoing maintenance. Regrettably it will not attend the weekend events and advice will be given regarding other events.

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