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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. 55 minutes ago, DD_Fenrir said:

    the issue being that the PWCG has not logged the destruction of any target you have attacked; it's not like I can see that target x has been destroyed by "unknown" and just fill in the blanks. They just straight up don't exist in the logs. So I'd have to create them from scratch.

    Gotcha, as I suspected. Honestly mate I understand don't worry, databases are no fun at all!

    So all this time I've been a phantom phlyer, an invisible death machine haunting the enemy ground units:

    "Hey Jürgen, can you hear that - it sounds like a fork-tailed devil getting real close, but I can't see anything?"
     "Don't be crazy Schmitt, you're starting to loose your mind from too much looted Jenever. Besides, I have eyes on all the enemy aircraft over to the..."

    ***BLLLLURGGGGGGH, CRACK CRACK CRACK, BOOM*** As 20mm cannon shells rip through the FlaK 40 emplacement; Jürgen is nowhere to be seen and Schmitt pulls himself out of a ditch with a muddied, bloodied face. An empty bottle of Jenever rolls down the bank next to the wrecked gun emplacement and clinks to a stop on his one remaining boot.

    The Phantom P-38 has struck again.



    • Haha 4
  2. 6 hours ago, FoolTrottel said:

    Me thinks you need to do some more database checking on them trailing spaces Tom ... there are more pilots that have flown multiple missions, like Dennis, with Zero ground kills. Funflak as well... might be worth looking into!

    Interesting. If that is indeed the issue, would it be possible then to retrospectively rerun the reports of past missions to retrieve lost claims? You know, in the spirit of a backlog in the intelligence unit, lost files from the observer corps or something?

    Obviously if it's a ball ache I'm not bothered, I haven't the foggiest what's involved. It's more important that the bugs are ironed out for future missions.  

  3. Well done 402, a succesful mission indeed! Most enjoyable, despite flying with a constantly shaking MSFF2.

    Once again though, none of my destroyed ground targets are being registered, which is most strange:

    Our initial bomb run on the minimal targets at Aachen as you mention was effective. The game registered locomotives/wagons and a platform (I think?) for me at the time, I certainly saw them go up and Wingy had eyes on the attack if I recall. I also knobbled a couple of AAA guns in and around Eupen for sure.

    I've flown 9 missions now under two alias' and definitely hit ground targets on at least half of those, but PWCG has not ever registered a single ground kill for me.
    How does it gather that data?

    This is purely a bug-fixing endaevor you understand :salute:

    • Haha 1
  4. Guys, let's try not to head towards Daily Mail comments territory. We're all saddened and angry at the news, but no-one is tearing down statues of Douglas Bader or airbrushing out the word War here.

    From everything I've read about it, this has more to do with money than anything else. Reportedly Legends nearly didn't happen for a number of the most recent years due to breakdown in negotiations with IWM. Remember when the dates mysteriously changed a year or two ago?

    The current IWM management seem to have been angling at getting their hands on the Summer slot for years so they can put on another bland 'air fair' style show and take all of the profit.

    Also, if Flying Legends does end up moving somewhere like mainland Europe (TFC have strong links with La Ferte Alais), you have to look at the CAA and their post-Shoreham knee jerk actions that have done more damage to the UK airshow scene than any protest.



    • Thanks 1

    Just now, DD_Bongodriver said:

    Can't see it being practical, Air Ambulance and police helicopters might not be compatible. proximity to Stansted and surrounding airspace are issues.

    I was about to say the same, along with the locals who I understand also contributed to the cessation of air displays there a decade or more ago.

  6. Just now, Painless said:

    Thanks BB........ 
    “I guess it’s all about the money then ?” 

    Do you think !?

    Yeah it seems that could be the driving factor. Reportedly it was touch and go whether FL would be at DX the last few years as negotiations were somewhat rocky.
    From the greedy bastard's IWM's perspective, TFC taking a significant cut of such a huge event every summer must have smarted.

    At least TFC for the time being will remain at Duxford, this is positive news at least. And really, who knows what next year will bring!


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