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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Howdy gents,

    I know I've mentioned this to a few of you on TS over the last couple of months, but it's becoming more apparent now that my rig is in need of either a drastic overhaul, or more likely almost total replacement.
    I'm totally out of touch with this now so just asking for some advice before I start looking seriously into purchasing components etc. 
    My current set-up, originally built in 2013 has only seen an increase in RAM and GFX upgrade in the intervening years (along with various drives added due to DCS being such a monster).

    Current spec is as follows: 
    Intel Core i5 3570K 3.4GHz Socket 1155 6MB Cache
    Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H Socket 1155 Mobo
    16 GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM
    GeForce GTX 970 4GB


    Whilst initially, I was thinking of just squeezing the most out of this as possible, I think on balance it might be better to just start from scratch, especially as I promised myself the next rig would include VR.
    With that in mind, I'm looking at either building or spec-ing an off the shelf rig, with a budget of probably around £1.5 - 2K with £300ish of that ideally reserved for the Oculus Rift S or alternative?
    I've always built my own gaming rig from scratch, but I'm now more inclined to entertain the idea of an off the shelf solution. My limited knowledge of the current landscape, tells me the following build services look relatively half-decent:




    So, I suppose the question is, unless I can really do anything of note to my current set-up, will that kind of budget get me a half decent VR gaming rig that'll see me another 5+ years? 



  2. 1 hour ago, Jabo said:

    Seems Bert might have had a lucky escape there on Tuesday evening after experiencing a structural failure of the left wing seconds after take-off which resulted in the aircraft rolling inverted before hitting the ground very hard still upside-down and spreading itself over a wide area. Worth noting that I accidentally clipped a building with the wingtip while taxiing but decided to proceed with the take-off as there was no visible damage - this was obviously a major error of judgement with nearly fatal quinsequonces. If anyone else suffers a similar mishap, I would recommend scrubbing that sortie! Good job we had no bombs on board, as there was no time to jettison them once the accident started.

    After consulting a bottle of scotch the MO has cleared me to fly on Sunday...

    Having watched the track back, it is indeed a spectacular crash sir! You are one lucky sausage Berty.

    It also illustrates the extent and complexity of the damage modelling in GBS, quite fascinating really. I'll try and do a little vid of it at some point.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Cool vid Rox, I must remember to record TS as well to splice it in. Although, there's rarely any singing in the 402nd!

    42 minutes ago, rox said:

    Oh and question for BluBear, when you make those awesome videos, do you record a track and then record? Do tracks work as they should in GBS (they're near-useless in DCS)? I figure that would be a much better workflow than directly recording in-game with the UI and other ugliness getting in the way.

    Tracks + Fraps + Premiere. That is my method.

    Tracks do seem to be quite stable in GBS, more so than the old ntrks of '46 that seemed to deteriorate after time elapsed; although there is I believe a file size limit for a single track in GBS.
    I don't have any experience of DCS tracks so can't comment.

    I try to remember to hit record whenever there is action, then replay at a later date for screen and audio capture in Fraps. Here you can of course hide the UI / icons etc and 'Direct' your movie how you see fit. The FPS style free-roam camera is fantastic for getting some unusual angles. 

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  4. 45 minutes ago, DD_Fenrir said:

    Thanks to all who attended last night gents, that was a pretty intense one! I had a lot of fun, hope you all did too.

    First thing I need to do is apologise profusely to both @FoolTrottel and @Reggie for missing their claims during the AAR process; as most of you know I normally ask if I have missed anyone before committing the info but last night having worked my way through all (I thought) of the personnel tabs in sequence I just forgot to do this usual last sanity check - I've got a lot on my mind regards work and home at the moment and I rushed it.

    I did spend 2 hours trying to correct the error manually last night by editing the various files, but thus far I've kept corrupting the campaign. I will keep trying but please bear with me. 


    I may be missing something, but can these not be added on to the next AAR? Or do EA actually have to be destroyed in a mission in order to make a claim against it?

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Perfesser said:

    Looking for the last few missing skins. Just got the one from BluBear but I'm sure there are a couple I'm missing(T-bone..). Don't see them in the skins section, I guess posting them in the thread doesn't do the best job of of keeping everyone up to date.

    Usually, FT is kind enough to add to the skault for those using chkskins. I think that's how it works. I believe, with the exception of my new one and T-bones, I uploaded everybody's 402 skins to the skins area and also in this thread. 

    With regards to T-bone, not sure he actually officially released his skin, I have it because I created it to begin with but passed over the working files for him to finish. 

  6. On 12/1/2020 at 11:58 PM, DD_Fenrir said:

    Closing to visual range the bogeys were ID'd as five Ju 52s and leading his element up sun Lt. Rea then set them up for a classic bounce. Rea and his White 2 2nd Lt. Baker shot down one apiece in quick order, with the 2nd element arriving soon after to get in on the action, 2nd Lts. Hinkley and Rox also claiming one each in the ensuing massacre, Rea mopping up the final e/a.

    Some further gun-cam footage of the last mission flown to whet your appetites for tomorrow gentlemen.
    Illustrating perfectly just how terrible my gunnery can be against such a huge lumbering easy target!


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