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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Toothbrush and camera packed. Taxi soon here. See you in a few hours mates!

  2. ..got his new Ortofon cartrige mounted and it sounds really nice. Continue washing my vinyls from dust, grease and fingerprints.

    1. Crash


      You are making me regret selling my TD160S :(

    2. rox


      vinyl is awesome, I have a Technics turntable on my to-buy list for a long time...

    3. Sweper


      Crash, Thorens has some very nice models. You can find used ones on the net. Rox, a 1200 maby?

  3. Here we go again. Finally I got out and captured a couple of decent shots of a thunderstorm. Daytime (well, 7 pm or near) but pretty dark due to overcast. Used a tripod and a 24-85 lens. Stod on a ridge and the first lightnings were not too close. After a while a new tunderstorm came in from the south, much closer this time, and I decided to go in to my car and drive back home.
  4. Salute Fen! Already did: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/8723-up3-rc3-out-today/
  5. Sweet. Nice to see that they kept the entire interior look like that in IL2. Even the pilot!
  6. Ahh... you noticed that too!
  7. Practicing for military Tatoos. Pretty good timing I think. For this
  8. Friar mate! Is your first post regarding confirmed participants up to date? Cheers
  9. Sweper

    Sad But True..

    Sorry to hear about your family Ovy.
  10. ISP was here today and installed new cable and connection box. After summer I will get 100 Mbit. Hope it will be cheap.

  11. Sweper

    Up3.0 Hotfix

    Briefs? Instructions?
  12. Sweper

    Up3.0 Hotfix

    Shouldn´t all files be disabled before installation? Like all files to the left in JSGME?
  13. Sweper

    lightning 1

    From the album: Calender pic´s

  14. Sweper

    lightning 3

    From the album: Calender pic´s

  15. Roger That! BG´s flying Circus
  16. Well, found the latest Nvidia drivers, installed them, and it looked worse in both IL2 versions Fen and Jedi helped me to set up the Nvidia controll panel to the same settings as they have and now both UP3 and 4.101 looks fine Cheers
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