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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Welcome to the Dogz Flyboy!
  2. A lesson to talk and sing like a Pirate! Quite funny..
  3. Thanks chaps, just ordered The Forgottten Soldier.
  4. I get same result without "Post effects" ticked
  5. War In a Stringbag. By Charles Lamb who flew the Fairey Swordfish. Description on Amazone Eagles Of The Third Reich. By Samuel W. Mitcham. More on this here. The Most Dangerous Enemy. Written by Stephen Bungay. Some of you already know the book. Samurai! By the outstanding Japanese ace Saburo Sakai. Looks good! I think they will keep me on readyness for a couple of months! Other I have read recently (some more than once) and highly recommend: Jungle Ace. By John R. Bruning. Gerald "Jerry" Johnson flying P-39s, P-40s, P-47s and P-38s in the Pacific. Jerry First Light. Dont think it needs any further explanation. Geoffrey Wellum. The Big Show. Same here, like First Light it is a must read! Closterman. Helmet For My Pillow. By Robert Leckie. All of you that watched The Pacific, here is the original story from Leckies point of view. Helmet For My Pillow D-Day. By Antony Beevor. From Normandy to Paris. One of his best, equal to Stalingrad, I think. D-Day Band Of Brothers. Stephen Ambrose. The book they made the series from. Not top notch, but still recommended. Band Of Brothers Bogeys And Bandits. By Robert Gandt. A story about the training of F-18 hornet pilots, from flight school to their final destination on a Carrier. Me liked a lot. BoB Ghost Force SAS. By Ken Connors. Follow the operations of the Special Air Force from WW2 to the Gulf war. Intresting reading. SAS Hunters From The Sky. By Charles Whiting. About the German Elite Paratroupers in the WW2. Intresting dokumentary. Paratroupers Soldier in Waffen SS. By Johan Voss. Can´t find it on Amazone but it is about a young German guy who wants to join the best. He ends up in Finland fighting the red Army, but have to escape when Finland get the ultimatum to join the allied, or go under with the German army. Lots of Swedish authors well known here, it is a pitty they have not translated their work to English. I have also read Stalingrad and The Road to Berlin by Beevor. Berlin was a bit messy and not as good as Stalingrad and D-day. Cheers
  6. Just watched it on BBC News. A P-51 could not make it out of a loop and crached nose down into the audience. Sid, Painless, guys, hope you are ok!?!
  7. Thanks a bunch Snacko! Really like your DF missions. Cheers Edit: A small request is if it would be possible to have the icons set to a bit shorter distance?
  8. Salute chaps, seems you had a pleasant day at Duxford. Nice pictures as usual Nick! Thanks for sharing.
  9. Sweper

    P 51 INST

    Nice Artie! It seem they copied all from IL2
  10. Cheers guys! Expecting lots of pictures!
  11. Sweper

    Spitfires Balbo

    From the album: Photos

    Spitfire F Mk VB, LF Mk IXc, LF XVIe
  12. Very nice pic´s Kev. Thanks for sharing. Well, at least you have the airfiled close so you don´t have to quit thinking of flying
  13. Sweper

    Caption please!

    No Ivan - this is NOT an undercarrige job - this is a nose job!
  14. Good one Toad! Maby this guy is responsible?
  15. ~S~ Fen! Posted this one in the test forum some years ago. A G-6 from ground to air. Nice sound but I dunno which engine. Sounds sweet anyway. Ps. Bf-109 IS tha thing Swep
  16. I´m skeptical. To much CGI for my taste. Maby. We´ll see. Hope I´m wrong .
  17. Sweper

    Salute To Bg

    I´ll quote the message I PM´d Jim nine days ago. "Hi Jim! After things calmed down, I got sober again, my headace reduced a bit after 4 days of sorting my pic´s from Duxford, I just want to say thanks you for dragging me in to your fine squadron mate ! What a nice bunch of weird and wonderful chaps i met at Duxford! I really missed you over there Jim. Thanks! Sven"
  18. I´m always here to help you mate. Schwep
  19. ~S~ Chaps! Forgot that I also broght my little camera. Cheers!
  20. Thanks Rox, very nice pic´s mate!
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