For me I don't have 1946 installed on my computer.
AP, Perfesser, Spaulding, Gustang, wingflyer, myself and recently added Kira have been playing BOX these last few weeks and have really enjoyed this sim. The graphics are excellent, plane spotting, and damage models look really good. You feel like the 50's in the P-40 are hitting like they should.
I like CLoD but I think BOX is well past CLoD with the future of BOX looking more impressive than CLoD.
For me I really like DCS. The biggest minus for me is the damage model. In order to disable an AI with guns you have to kill the pilot or shoot off a wing. Otherwise they can be pouring black smoke and all shot to pieces and still chase you down. That doesn't happen in BOX, if you get an AI to show black smoke his engine will eventually fail. Fires will cause structural failure and damaged structure under g will fail.
The plus side for me is, after spending 47 years in various cockpits, I like getting in these planes and having to use a checklist, cockpit flows to get everything up and running. To get into a F-5 or Mirage and get all the systems on line, engines running can give you a warm fuzzy. To return to base and have the ability to conduct an instrument approach in a jet flying 170 kts on final, breaking out of the clouds and seeing the runway lights can really make your day.
I also feel DCS flight modelling seems a little better than BOX, but BOX is close.
There are some planes coming to DCS that I'm looking forward to getting into, the Harrier, Hornet, and Tomcat are all going to be a challenge to learn and try to master along with carrier ops. DCS says they are addressing the damage model and I believe they will at some point.