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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. What is a Helicopter doing following the taxi ways? I thought they had pads to land on away from normal aircraft traffic.
  2. OK, AP I have my rig running I flew tonight in Boomers Training session, and my machine is running IL2 full tilt. What time tomorrow will you be available. I'm off work tomorrow so Unless the wife enlist me, I should be available any time.
  3. Artillery will re-spawn, anything shoots will I beleive. including ships, it's in your properties for each item.
  4. Yes, my missions are meant to be played in coop mode. Just host them for yourself, others can join, and if they can help you by watching from outside views. Tracks, have to be dropped in the records folder in your IL2 root folder. Then played via the game from the Main menu screen, you can find the button bottom left.
  5. Will do AP, My target practice is online, You host it yourself, and it has enough aircraft to induce its own lag. Set ammo to unlimited shoot only short burst practice same appoach till efficient, than try other angles on them.
  6. I've got the code from my download. I don't know if the dogs server supports such a large file though. You can try if not, I can send ya my snail mail. Thanks
  7. Yeh I tried my 64 bit one, it appears I got a bad dl on it. So I'm stuck since it the Dl link is gone now. Or I torrent one of the hacks.
  8. When I get my machine back in order, possibly Mon or Tues day I can spend some time with you. I'd suggest my target practice missions. It helps me and others say it does too. Sweper is a constant user of them. http://www.dangerdogz.com/K9Vault/p13_sectionid/3/p13_fileid/277
  9. I installed Win 32 bit, Vista is 64 correct? If so that might be my problem. I'm going to try the 64 bit Win 7 next I guess.
  10. Howdy guys I'm just now back up and running. I decided to do this Monday, and also install Ubuntu a Linnix
  11. OK, this is ignorant, bringing them out, to something like this, will only heighten the fever of the Anti gun followers to push harder to take them away.
  12. Yeh got this email from them last week I think, I'm stuck waiting for the version that supports TIR3
  13. I'd want the M14, (rather use the M1, but not enough rounds per clip for me, and the clip ring when I'm empty and the time it takes to reload) and a Tommy and barrel clip over my shoulder once things got too close.
  14. Yeh GK My machine just barely runs it when recording with Fraps. The TIR is definitely affected by it. You really need a dual core, or more to truly enjoy the game. I can only record in a simple mission like this, or take screen shots. Although the servers I was on in the middle of the night, I managed to remain in the 20's for the most part, and it ran well enough to have a pretty dan g good time with it. It's not IL2 and it has a long ways to go to getting there, for ease of use and functions. Il2 in the beta days was 80% better thought out, and ready for market than this thing and its GUI interface. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/2601013236/m/8241049877?r=7851031187#7851031187 Here's a couple for ya.
  15. Yes, I recorded this last week, I've since got be4tter settings, but recording and flying really drags my machine down. Single digits at times. I've got nothing to do, so I'll try another aircraft, and see how it goes with my settings now.
  16. Some ROF today and this evening. Attacking Train Capturing the Train My First Human Kill Got it Lets get out of here I'm not looking so good after fighting those two Newports, running for saftey. Ran out of fuel, and managed to escape. Finished off with a 6 Streak I have my Machine tweaked the most I can, without some serious OC, and since it's Summer time, I'm not going to fool with it. I was able to stay in the 20's to 30's FPS on the two servers I flew on tonight. Small missions, pretty much 5 vs 5
  17. I noticed that word too, it's not a normal word for my parts, so I just looked it up. agog \uh-GOG\ , adjective: 1. Full of excitement or interest; in eager desire; eager, keen. Definitely not what I expected it to mean. I was expecting, "shock/flabbergasted" New word for me, I'm agog to get around using it at work, I'm sure it will stump the rest of us in these parts too.
  18. In Vanilla I don't get this, but I do with mods. it's probably a side affect from the Bumpification Mod. Just wondering if any of you want a new drug.
  19. Try here Zooly and others. I just went looking and found full length ones. http://www.youtube.com/show?p=lwRWg1czcnk I hope they work.
  20. Is on Hulu for any of you that missed an episode, or have never seen it. http://www.hulu.com/carrier Ah dam, just read the fine print, Hulu is only available in the USA
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