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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. T_O_A_D

    TrackIR advice

    I've been using TIR 3 pro and 6Dof for since it was made available. It works fine, so anything from that level up will work a treat with IL2. In Rise of Flight, I have seen a bit of weakness of the 3 pro and 6Dof, TIR5 with its wider angle would pay off in that sim. Ch Pedals, Microsoft FFB, and Saitek X45 control the rest of my flying.
  2. They've decided, your nothing more than an Oxygen thief! So giving you a tree to plant, you can hopefully counter act your impact on Gods Green earth! This is most assuredly the going on's here M8
  3. > > Pocket Taser Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife. > > A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted this: > > > Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a
  4. T_O_A_D

    Il,2 B4 mods

    Do we have a Mod now tha t forces us to remember to put on our mask? If so cool, does it black you out or something if you don't how does it affect the player?
  5. I used to live in Moscow Iowa, It was full of Commies so I left.
  6. Ah Hell, I'd be happy to just get zipped tied, and Bataan, and drug into the brig by her.
  7. I'm about to go to bed, but you can get rid of several of those processes. You show 40 before you ever load your game and what ever else you use while gaming. Here is a shot of mine. From my old Machine Win XP 32 I see there are even a couple on there I can take off, knowing what I know now. Also run a dxdiag, and run all the test. Make sure the DirectX cube 3D image spins slowly, enough you can read it. If it spins fast you have a problem with Video drivers, ore DirectX itself. Off to bed. Good Luck Also try running BD with sound turned off in the game settings, You should only gain a couple of
  8. You can use the free version of this http://www.netlimiter.com/download.php I was given a pro version, for beta testing ROF It gives you all kinds of info, but the free one will do what you want just fine.
  9. T_O_A_D

    Sideline Sid

    S! Sid Thanks for the fun last night. Some serious flying we had!
  10. T_O_A_D

    Sideline Sid

    Well if it doesn't I can consider setting up my old machine parts into one. If we have a real interest in it.
  11. It really cool Mod http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,7712.0.html
  12. T_O_A_D

    Sideline Sid

    Challenge? People are still doing the challenge thing? I'm up for a challenge if someone wants one.... Well I never saw it posted as it was over. Even with that, I see now reason why we can't call each other out, with or with out the Ladder.
  13. Dam, did the driver get out of that in one piece? Pretty good tire for sure, Probably not a Michelin, they have some of the softest sidewalls on the market. But they do ride nice.
  14. Ok, I got my 3rd RMA in today. I ran all four memory slots with one stick they all passed. Slot one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/Slotone.jpg[/img] I realized I hadn't set voltage, or Optimized settings yet. But continued to test default out of the box, until all four slots were tested. Slot two http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/Slottwo.jpg[/img] Slot three http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/Slotthree.jpg[/img] Slot four http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/Slotfour.jpg[/img] Yellow Channel slot 1 and 3, This is is depressing. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/YellowChannellslot13.jpg[/img] Red Channel Slot 2 and 4 This has hopes. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/Computer/Redchannelslot2and4.jpg[/img] So that's all the testing I'm doing today. I'm going back to bed. When I get home in the morning. I'll go ahead and put it in the case, and test with OS, and Ortho's, and Prime 95. If it will work on the Red Channel I guess I'll just live with it, I'm tired of the fight. Unless, I'm persuaded otherwise.
  15. Well welcome to the life of
  16. BG, the next time you have battery trouble. As long as the cells are not shorted, or have broken plates. You can crush an Aspirin, and pour it into each cell, the slow charge the Battery till it's fully charged. Then hope for the best. I've done this many times over the years, and it works about 90% of the time. They may last the rest of the season, or allot longer. The last one I treated was in my kids car, last spring. It wouldn't charge up, let alone crank the engine over. I treated it, and it is back to life, and still being used. It's over 6 years old now. Hopefully your oil leak is nothing more another hose. A new PS pump, can get to be a few hundred dollars.
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