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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. We could get on MSN live and let me look at your stuff, via remote desktop
  2. Yeh, wait till Mick gets a look at that Target Rich Environment.
  3. Supposedly it is. I quizzed him about his router settings and client ip as well last night before I left. At the time he had not looked into that deep, neither had trout. They were both able to connect to me hosting from Win7, my game is still located in a separate drive, dual booting Win7 and XP so all I had to do was tell the Windows firewall in Win7 to allow. It asked if it should the first time I started the game. But I was not able to connect to either of them. With Win7 or my XP OS It's for sure on their end.
  4. I'm heading to bed shortly, but I hosted 2.0 up for a quick test todd.servegame.org It's on my new Win 7 Install, first time trying to host from it.
  5. Thanks for posting this, I hadn't seen it before. Inspiring, to say the least, it almost made me like jets.
  6. It's been snowing off and on for over 24 hours here, We've only managed about 7 inches or so. But man is it getting cold, for these parts. Single digits coming they say in the next day or so. Planning on digging my snow blower out, I haven't used it in years.
  7. Thanks got it working. had to set it as todd.servegame.org toad was already taken.
  8. Title is the question. I want to get this and use the .org one. I tried the .com one, and they fail to remind me to keep it active via email.
  9. Good footage, I wish they would of capture sound back then on more of these films.
  10. Yeh, My art student showed those too me a while back, there are several of them. Funny little skits, and they remind me of when I lved with the folks, My wife is elergict to the fur balls, so we have a dog.
  11. Thanks been a spell, but I remember reading that one a awhile back. pretty interesting for sure.
  12. Thanks I didn't know English was required in the airport, I knew the Pilots and air traffic controllers are required to use it. I've never left my country so I really have no clue, but it still amazes me to see how our culture, no matter no matter how often we here negatives of it. We see it being used, and imitated globally. Is it that the negative carries louder and longer than the good? Again sorry for the Hijack
  13. Well what hit's me when I see this, besides all the Airport security questions. Is all but three songs were in English, and of all those, only one I was not able to decide if it was American origin. All the people in the world, dog us for promoting only English here, and apparently we have the most fun Christmas songs to boot. (although I personally agree, multy lingual is better) The shame of being an arrogant infidel American these days. Other than that it was quite fun to watch, Thanks
  14. Boy, I had to research a bit to figure out the Humor. The word skip has several meanings:
  15. Yes been using this method for years, while hosting.
  16. T_O_A_D

    Re: ~S~

    Welcome, Painless has dibs on all these already.
  17. Rain and More Rain, Turning to snow as I type 12:01 AM Christmas Morning.
  18. I love watching Bill Dance, he's honest enough to show the truth even if it makes him look stupid.
  19. Chino this year was in May http://www.planesoffame.org/airshows.php http://www.pbase.com/marauder61/chino_air_show_2009 2008 vids Reno Info http://www.airrace.org/indexJS.php vids http://www.airrace.org/indexJS.php http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS253&q=reno+air+show+2009&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=JLEqS_fdHoiGNK_gmPMI&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CCYQqwQwAw#
  20. Well if you can't get along with CH, there's no pleasing you. It's probably the best out there, it enjoys long and faithful reputation. If My stuff dies, beyond repair I'm going the match up my CH pedals with the stick and throttle.
  21. Believe me Connecticut doesn't have a Monopoly on that statement. Samuel Clemens was from my State ya know.
  22. Simple, http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Marshfield&state=MO&site=SGF&textField1=37.3394&textField2=-92.9104&e=0 Enjoy spying on me. Just avoid using the Longitude and latitude to Nuke please.
  23. Same thoughts I had, I'd try it too, well in my younger days for sure! Now days I'd have to think it through, I'd want a GPS Hud in my helmet so i could see the turns ahead of time, at the very least the chase vehicle with GPS and radio contact with me. He's lucky he didn't freak out those rider's he past and caused an accident though.
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