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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. While thanking God he did it himself. JUst joshing ya Friar It's more mall than I'm going to attempt.
  2. Your only really worry is when your get SOW and find out it learns more on a quad core system, Thus you need a new cpu ad mobo at the-very least. At the moment though you Gould get a copy of win7 64 bit and ad 2 more gigs of ram, and push the duel core you already have, even harder. More ram with XP will be mostly wasted I haven't looked, but if your board supports some early quads, you might be able to find used reasonably. Otherwise, enjoy it for what it is and use it till you can afford a complete system on the more advance hardware
  3. That reminds me of my youngest. about 3rd grade or so. I never drank a beer in front to of them when they were younger. And One day I was out back in the garage with a friend of mine chewing the fat, and we had a couple of empties a piece and one in our hands. She went to school the next day and told everybody I was a drunk! And the school contacted us about it! Believe me I was Pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. What? Squawk and Rattler are way more lethal than I am. How many years you been doing this? I've been doing it since 1998.

  5. Yep, I thought of Oleg and his circle of friends and loved ones too. I also thought look at all those SUV's I got bored with it, or wore our at around the 5 minute mark.
  6. T_O_A_D

    Old 666

    Yeh, good story! I saw it on TV awhile back. What a set those boys had back then. Tempting all levels of fate in that aircraft 666 and the territory they flew into with it.
  7. If I was closer, I'd come over and help ya eat the honey.
  8. happy B-Day Brando. Lean back and rest for a change, and tilt a few back in your leisure today.
  9. You get it for yourself you silly twit. Or let your family do get it for you, Just the normal Christmas buying spirit will sell several copies of it strictly out of curiosity, if placed on the shelves properly. You just between the latest FPS and WOW Its really a bigger shame it wasn't ready for the BOB anniversary, that would of sold tons of copies, to the curious.
  10. He's done it before on nearly every thing IL2 Missed releasing it before the Christmas Holiday. So if he gets its out in time to make it an easy gift for folks to grab, I'll be very surprised.
  11. I'm interested in the old Gruman out the left window. Wildcat? The 17 looks to have been flown in modern times, due to some of the radio equipment in it. But she is rough as hell. you can see the guy on the right wing working on it. Any idea where this museum/airport is?
  12. it won't be long till it full size and pulling peoples guts out, from all those G forces.
  13. 've seen the 51 one before very nice. The 24 was nicely done too Thanks
  14. Snacko, BG is trying to give here a USED ATI 1950 and $400 to keep her machine running. So his offer is any where from $410 to $500 offer depending on if she was to use a Used or new 1950 in her late husbands machine. For a $710 card. That is if she bites the bait on the hook. If it was me and Bg's money, and the machine is what he thinks it is. I'd find out her plans for it, Grandchild pass down, or just a internet browser. If the latter, I'd offer her BG's old machine, complete with all the files transferred from her late husbands, and then a bit of money to make it square. Or just offer to buy it out right, and keep his old one for backup or a dedicated server. I'm sure gec and I could take care of the latter for him.
  15. Hmm, I didn't realize that Forum was keeping possession of the thread like that. Here is the correct link. http://sports.yahoo.com/nascar/blog/from_the_marbles/post/Army-crew-tears-apart-rebuilds-Jeep-in-four-min?urn=nascar-269203 I can't edit the original post now either.
  16. Obviously the thing is set up to be plug and play. Every thing is hand tight, and or loose. Also no coolant in radiator, they apparently are only driving it a for short distance (probably a haul trailer) as to not over heat it. http://www.flytusa.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=32 Fun to watch at least once
  17. My assumption is. Rise of Flight Iron Cross an Se5a and possibly a Head tracking device.
  18. Well, I guess the saying. "I'd like to be a Fly on the wall" Can actually be attained now. Just add camera/sound recorder, and infiltrate, any conversation you care too.
  19. T_O_A_D

    Dinos Pics

    Nice photo's, Did you get any from inside the Hurry's cockpit?
  20. Well I'm not shocked at all about how it went down at the time. I just figured they'd have or show a bit more reverence later in life, especially in front of a camera. As I must of muttled it up a bit, the affect it had on them is still something to fathom. You could tell they had more remorse that the event was over, than they had for the fallen. Life has been such a bore since then. And a few were it was nothing nothing at all, lets just forget it. On both accounts, I think its just a wall they built in their heads to hide behind, so they can deal with it publicly. As I said odd environment, One hopefully history won't repeat again.
  21. T_O_A_D


    Yep got this in my email account, with a few pictures aswell.
  22. I watched it, yesterday, just before I left for work. Thanks for pointing it out, I had never seen it. Even still they were joking about nicking the dead chaps stuff. They told of one chap, that showed up with his car, and gaming equipment, ate lunch and was dead 15 minutes later. And these fellers were upset only because they didn't have a court to play with his equipment. That would be a most odd work environment to get yourself into that frame of mind.
  23. Once up and running, you can join on my dedicated server listed in my sig to test your install, and if your lucky find some of the DD's there, they spend quite a bit of time on it. Also look for gec's postings, he also has a server up and running all the time. listed in his sig. The dedicated 1v1 server is also listed in his sig, if you get involved in that, once more active.
  24. Really nice Brando So are you going to put down a stone path also? And please tell, what is the Hole for? Is it water drainage or where you hide out when "The one you must obey" throws a fit?
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