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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. Ah well welcome back to the Weekend night Shift. Maybe another night, I'm off work myself Mon-Wed nights.
  2. T_O_A_D

    Pc Crashes Prob

    If you have a lot of things worth saving I'd get a new HD and image the old one onto it. Most new HD's come with software to do that. I just did it with a new Seagate. It now sits in its original box on the floor next to my desk with all my stuff backed up to it. Once its backed up just try the new HD in the machine without the old one being hooked up. HD's are fairly cheep now days, at least around here, and having a spare to backup to is a good practice anyway, if it's not the actual problem. My last HD failure game me the blue screen before it died. I'd suspect if your getting no warnings, and only a hard crash as if loosing power, then that's whats your experiencing. It could be as simple as a bad connection, to a PSU or even a faulty Mobo
  3. T_O_A_D

    Pc Crashes Prob

    I always Google odd things like this. http://www.google.com/search?q=%22reboot+and+select+proper+boot+device+ou+insert+boot+media+in+selected+boot+and+press+a+key%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a http://www.google.co...73da4ec7e15bdf2 Funny thing there is only one listing in English. The rest can be translated, look through these you might just get lucky. I know the English one mentions a keyboard, but I wouldn't put too much faith it, since he continues to have the problem.
  4. I don't guess any of us have this yet? I just stumbled across it on a Cyber Monday add in my Email. I'm not getting it, but it makes me curious. http://www.gogamer.com/Saitek-X65F-Pro-Flight-Control-System-Accessories_stcVVproductId97941375VVcatId451798VVviewprod.htm
  5. Yeh, I mentioned on Coms yesterday that Brando would know. But I think Brando used the Franken potato Modded CH stick Pretty expensive for starting out. Brando I used to use Velcro myself. But have since gave that up, after trying the no skid rubber woven pads for Kitchen drawers. You can cut ti to fit your needs, I have it under both sticks and my pedals. You can see it in this picture. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v37/T_O_A_D/IL2%20AEP%20PF%20pics/?action=view&current=DSC00505.jpg If your using a none dedicated Simpit area, it makes it easier to move things about as needed.
  6. I've only owned the X45 from Saitek But the Saitek Aviator AV8R Joystick Has always intrigued me since it came out. And ambidextrious like the Cyborg as well. This kid has a nice video on it.
  7. I make a pen mark and pictures too Brando. So far I've never had any trouble with the distributors I use.
  8. Just to add more seed to the cause, here a few I made a few years ago. I'll try and get something more current with Mods going, in the mean time.
  9. Nice Idea, So is it limited to stock screen shots, or can we doctor them up?
  10. I never thought much of them, until I got to enjoy them in IL2. Anymore they rank right up there in my top 5 for sure. I wasn't aware of 5 of them still flying in the world either, possibly yes, but to get them into a formation, is astounding.
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