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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. It did cross my mind, but can you imagine the head swell he'd get if i named him after his call sign.
  2. Ah OK, now I remember. Well we've came to a decision here. And for this one, its going to be Zach. Someday, when ever I get a large breed, knowing full well he'll be a large dog, Ike it will be. This one fits the Rough and ready too. Since he was dumped, and has Ring worm, a fungus sort of equivalent to athletes foot. Thanks everyone for there input. Most appreciated.
  3. I'm down to Zach or Ike, I deal with a guy at work named Ronnie every day. otherwise I'd bite on that. Always like Ronnie Ray gun ) I thought of Nixon too Arthur. Was considering Tricky in place of his real name. I don't understand Millhouse? Who and what is it? Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was the 12th President of the United States and an American military leader. Known as "Old Rough and Ready," Taylor had a forty-year military career in the United States Army Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was a five-star general in the United States Army During World War II, he served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe Historians typically rank Eisenhower among the ten greatest U.S. presidents.
  4. My kids are trying to talk me into the name of Copper. I guess there is a movie called "Fox and the Hound" and the Fox is Todd and the hound is Copper, and they are friends.
  5. I presumed such an outcome. There is a stain or shadow on curtain of a mushroom cloud lol
  6. I don't want to get to excited just yet. But he has yet to poop or pee in the house on the paper. Each time he has mouth up a bit, and we've taken him outside. I may need to rethink the naming after Presidents. It appears he's smarter than a whip. I got a few hours before the end of the year. He'll have a name first thing Next year! Thanks JP Andy is crossed off.
  7. Yeh I mentioned the Gipper myself, wife said no a single President in our life time deserves such an honor. BG I've had Zach a few times on the FB also Still pondering.
  8. I just brought him home this Morning. Him and his other 4 siblings were Dumped on my Folks lane a week or so. With the help of several family members we found a Rescue for them, and I kept this little man. I've named all my previous dogs if not Already named after Presidents. I've had a George Washington, and a Teddy Roosevelt. I was considering Ike for this one, but he's way to laid back, for a Soldier. So considering, no particular order. Marty for Martin Van Buren Andy for Andrew Jackson Zach for Zachary Taylor Calvin for Calvin Coolidge
  9. My $.02 If you have enough HD space or multiple drives, I'd have no less than three partitions. And have the OS's make it dual boot. XP first then Win 7 Set both up with the essentials for your needs. All your hardware drivers, Joystick software, trackir and all your profiles, ect. Then ghost them both. Then in a separate partition start putting in your Games and such. This way you have two access to your machine, if one OS goes bad. Plus if it does your ghost disc can bring it back up to speed in less than 30 minutes, per OS. If partitions are on same drive and drive dies, its all for not, short ghosting the info to a new drive. So having multiple drives is actually the safest. Some guru's advise against it, but that's the TOAD way. I went to doing it once right after I was to compete and had a OS failure, and was not able to participate. I've never been left out since, due to HD's or OS problems. Just Motherboards have bit me in the Arse.
  10. So just made those folders. Are there any old ones we need to delete? Also need to carry over from old to one of these? Here is the folder structure so no one else has to manually make them. Spitfire folders.zip
  11. Interesting to see, thanks Trib. Hey did you pick one up? I could use one for packing around all my Hunting equipment.
  12. Ah yes I remember that thread too.
  13. Merry Christmas everybody!
  14. I couldn't resist the temptation of the Hunt. Originally posted http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/8421081562/p/1 January 2005 So was it then ore actually in 2004? Now, I wonder if you even remember still having them all hosted up on the web?
  15. 94? I vaguely remember seeing those posted at UBI 2004 possibly. Maybe your memory is aging faster than BG ;-)
  16. Plutonium Max Effects has Zuti listed as not compatible?
  17. I've never seen them before. But when I did have problems once it was driver related to the card. and it was totally different effect. What card do you have? Have you recently updated anything?
  18. Yeh the why then was the Map name wasn't listed in the FBDj map list. This map is.
  19. BlueBear I've added this mission onto my dedicated Server. I can spawn on the green base no problems. On any of the red spawn points the server kick me after the spawn in just a few short seconds. I can see some buildings, Pylons, and red tarps, and possibly get outside views. Then kicked. I'm sure the mission works fine from a client machine hosting it. Any idea at all to why, it does this on the dedicated software? I made sure the map is listed in FBDj map list so I know that's not the problem. Is there some objects near there, that are not UP2.01 possibly? This is a cool map, I'd like to get to the reason and sort it out. Thanks
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