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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Arthur

  1. Bravery of the crews? Certainly in no doubt. I think Mr. P is referring to my deep seated cynicism over this whole story. I really, really can't see any Spitfires in boxes being found down there. Crushed artifacts from long-ago bulldozed surplus or damaged aircraft........possibly. This story is much more about how our modern media works or perhaps dosen't work than mere aeroplanes.
  2. Blimey, sez 'ere it was shot down by a Defiant!
  3. Microsoft Force feedback 2 from E-Bay. Look! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Microsoft-Force-Feedback-2-Joystick-With-Microsoft-Flight-Sim-X-And-Uk-Truck-Sim-/190758719550?pt=UK_Toys_Games_Games&hash=item2c6a1b103e Quick Dave, bid now!!!!!!!!!
  4. Ah....I see. Not really a press release from the IWM then. They just interviewed him at the Imperial War Museum. An important difference. Another example of how everything about this story hangs on just one thing. The word of David Cundall. Still not one single shred of physical evidence has been released into the public domain. Notice how none of the journo's who have interviewed him have any idea how to ask the really relevent questions like "who are your witnesses and can we see their evidence?" or "The RAF kept extensive records, how come no one can account for any missing serial numbers for these aircraft?" or even "Do you really think the Commander in Chief of South-East Asia would interest himself in the disposal of some scrap at a time where he's just being appointed the last Viceroy of the British Raj?". An example of the power that magic word "Spitfire" still has me thinks.
  5. Got a link to this press release from the IWM, Jabo?
  6. It says "This poll will close on 07-12-2012 at 15.35" Thats cutting it a bit fine ain't it? What if they choose padlock on? We're agin' it ain't we Friar?
  7. By the end of the month we're all gonna' look like either this; or this;
  8. Hello fumps, welcome back m8. I'm pretty sure that since you're already a DangerDog you don't need to re-apply and you should already have access to all our most closely guarded secrets like the details of our teamspeak server, the mandatory requirement to fly naked, etc., etc. You'd better check out all the threads on HSFX 6 though as that is the version of IL2 we are currently flying as our 'standard'. I see you live in Beirut Leeds. I'm half man/half Yorkshireman myself. How is life in God's own county?
  9. Cliffs of Dover now on sale as d/l for a wallet busting £2.49!!!!!! http://www.gamefly.co.uk/Download-IL-2-Sturmovik-Cliffs-of-Dover/5002119/#axzz2Clihhevr If you haven't got it yet, well this is cheaper than postage!
  10. For me it says Your device is not able to support BBC iPlayer Tap here to find out more information on devices that support BBC iPlayer. Are you using an Android tablet?
  11. What is padlock and how does it work exactly? What is this F6 business too?
  12. Hmmm........have got rid of this. The sticky key to enable zoom seems to crash other stuff in RoF and Il2 hsfx. Gonna give joy to key a go and see what can be done.
  13. Toad, I'm pretty sure that 's how they salute in the RAF. Streak, thats fantastic!! Sheriffs in town Painless, now have twenty-four hours of bum fluff on my upper lip I await developments.
  14. After a bit of fiddling I've got variable zoom on my 'sticks hat switch. Did it by reading up this thread; http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=35892 Not completely convinced as you still need the use of two hands or a right-hand with two thumbs and four fingers.* Also, not much of a 'stop' on the zoom out function. Pretty soon you realise that Edvard Munch is at the controls! *please put comments about advanced hand-shandy techniques here.
  15. DCS world? Surprisingly hastle-free download and install. Will try and get my head round the controls tomorrow.
  16. Screenies? Oh yes please . So I've downloaded the surprisingly small link to FC3. Haven't paid any money yet. Gonna d/l DCS world now and check out the Frogfoot and then work out how to get it all up and running and where my LockOn disc comes into it all. I presume I've downloaded the FC3 module and now I need to purchase an activation code?
  17. Flaming Cliff's 3 has finally been released.........in beta but I'm just wondering whether to hit that button. http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/index.php?end_pos=1322&scr=shop&lang=en $40.00/£25.00...that's not really a spur of the moment purchase is it? The Scotsman within me is crying "Noooooooooooooooooo" but I've got my original copy of LockOn from way back in 2003 here in front of me and it would be very good to have an upto date-ish jet sim. Even if I probably wouldn't have the time to use it that much and they really should have managed to create an F14 Tomcat but they haven't but I'm tempted. Very tempted. Thoughts, anyone?
  18. This. Above ALL else. You've gotta get a grip on the debt now and it's gonna be painful but it must be done. In four years you're gonna need Condoleeza Rice as you're gonna be up against Hillary. Or will it be Chelsea by then?
  19. Don't worry BA. No change in congress so once you've all worked a way around taxmagedon in January it'll be four more years of Just like the last four years. Luckily, he makes good speeches.
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