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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Arthur

  1. If you've already got RoF running on your system you'll have a reasonable idea of how BoS will perform.
  2. This is easy. That's a wing......................................Am I missing something here?
  3. Todays Livestream in English. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEMKztOE3Dk&feature=c4-overview&list=UUCsjBBYBk321cTtRF9yCOhQ If you've got RoF this is all going to be familiar.
  4. That's right. Wives or rather widows, don't have to pay. Sons and daughters are made to pay. If you were the parent of a son - who was married - killed in 'Stan then incredibly, you too would have to pay.
  5. Some explanation of whats going to be happening in the following few weeks from BlackSix, the community manager over on the BoS forum; - Week 1: LaGG - Week 2: Bf 109 F-4 - AI will be added to the early access sessions 2-3 weeks after the start. - By December you’ll get ammo and we’ll start trying out various sorts of un-lockable mods. - The general Stalingrad map will be finished by January. - The Mission Editor will become available in the Spring. We've a tentative roadmap and it's all we can say you now.
  6. Bongo, if your mum is still around she could apply for all these. If you want to do it yourself, apply for the service records of your father and brother where they put themselves in harm's way for the service of our country, then the government will charge a £30 f*ck you fee to cover their "admin". I can apply for a copy of my own for free but I had to pay this last year to get a copy of my dad's service records. The actual amount they charge is irrelevant. The fact that they charge family members I find an affront. If you know anything of your uncle's operational history then this site is worth checking out too; http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/records/combat-reports-ww2.htm
  7. Bongo, you need to have a look here. Or perhaps you need to get your dad and uncle to look here? https://www.gov.uk/requests-for-personal-data-and-service-records
  8. Here's the initial 50 x 50km map that will be released when the early access starts; This is, apparently, a chunk of the overall map we'll be getting on game release. This is "the great bend" in the course of the river Don some 100km north-west of Stalingrad.
  9. " on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months. Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only." Am I understanding this right, you will only be able to fy on Tuesday to Thursday each week? Yep. Initially. We are still very much in the development stages. I think they are very aware of the fiasco that was the CLoD release so this is all being done in a control freakery way. They have estimated that we will be getting around thirty per cent of the game at first and this will be added to - as will access - in the coming months. Full game release is scheduled second quarter 2014 when the price will be $100 for the full game. So in essence you're saving yourself ten bucks and getting to participate in Alpha/Beta development too. For $90 you get access to the Alpha and beta stages and you will get a couple of extra aircraft
  10. Really? Does this mean Friars got it too......................?
  11. For ninety bucks you get early, limited access to thirty per cent of the game - probably next week - a couple of unique skins and you'll save yourself about ten dollars in the long run. This early access will be a test map of 50 x 50km and the LaGG3 with no guns on a seventy-two hours a week basis for a couple of months. Initial access to the game will be Tuesday to Thursday only. I put my cash down early as I wanted to help them get it all up and running rather than have early access so I'm not too bothered but I wonder if the fifty deal would not suit some better. You'll get access probably after Christmas by which time there should be some gun play involving the '109..........hopefully and the map should be more developed............hopefully.
  12. The video from todays developer diary. I think this is the best video they have put up so far. Short but lots and lots of little clues on the quality of what we're going to receive. http://youtu.be/dJYbOvrKuDs
  13. Sorry about last night guys. My internet decided to eat itself. Abandoned it all in disgust and returned a couple of hours later to find it all functioning again. Got your poke Fen, lol. Joined ATAG again for the hell of it and found it - as my father used to say - "black as a Witch's tit". There were still twenty + people on the server so I thought I'd give it a spin. Just after take off from Manstone the AA started firing and low and behold a '109 floated through my gunsight! All very weirdly surreal but I got him and with bullets too!!!
  14. Spitfire mkIIa at thirty-four thousand and seven hundred feet. Just no more to come out of the old girl and barely flying at this height. This is in contrast to the '109 E4/N which was flyable and probably fightable at a little over thirty-five thou.
  15. If you've ever had an e-mail from an internet scammer then you've just got to put aside a few minutes to read this!! http://www.419eater.com/html/bigman.htm Oh yeah, pinched from a post over on the BoS boards.
  16. Sunday night, post SEOW, DangerDogz flight lines up for a scramble at.....er, RAF Maidstone or was it West Malling? Can't remember! And we're off! Forming up over the field. Oops! Why do I seem to be going faster than everyone else? Pretty soon we've managed to sort ourselves out and we're thundering along, climbing at two thousand feet per minute with Blubear leading the gaggle. Where are we going? Good question. To be continued.............................................................................................................................
  17. DD_Arthur

    New Toy Mmm

    Last nights storm passed through here between 11 p.m. and sometime this morning. 100 mph + winds at times. Went down the seafront at 2 a.m. with my (big) kids to watch the sea. Fantastic. Got up this morning to this; All is completely calm, although no traffic is going through the village which means the road is blocked somewhere. As I type this the radio news is talking about chaos in south-eastern England as the storm moves over them.
  18. Using the latest 331.58 here on my 6600ti. I missed the .20 series as they weren't as good as 314.7 but these new ones run better than ever. Tested in CLoD and RoF.
  19. I'll join you if I still have internet and/or roof by ten-thirty tonight!
  20. Thirty-five thousand feet over the channel in the BF109E4/N. Couldn't really get it any higher. This is at full throttle. Check out the boost at this height. At this height and in this plane you do feel like one of the bloody master race too. Wonder what the Spitty mkIIa will get up to?
  21. Sorry, still flaccid over here but I think I detect a trend. How are you feeling, Crash?
  22. Really? I thought the pre-order period finished on the eleventh of November and early access would start a few days after that. Edit; Lol, Bongo. You'll just have to fly some CoD with us now.
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