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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Sid

  1. I recently did some reading on the GBS forums and found some recommendations re. nvidia settings by 'dburne' here Friar and I had a chat recently and he appears to like them too. I have put some piccies in this thread of my nvidia settings and In conjunction with the game settings piccie it appears it can be quite pleasing. Friar, since our chat I have changed landscape filter (in effect anisotropic filtering) from Blurred to Sharp. I am still up for recommendations re. game settings but these work for me at the moment.....always room to manoeuvre. Cheerzen
  2. Thanks for the heads up Friar. I tend to do the same as Arthur and use centre VR view when I want to get a centre forward view. I am moving around in cockpit eg. leaning forward, looking around for instruments etc. so i am not sure defining a custom position will gain anything.
  3. Sid

    Train set fun

    Words, schmurds....
  4. Sid

    Train set fun

    Painless, do you remember me saying my brother has a train set and that the locos have sound chips for 'realistic' sound? This is his track, Abbotswood Junction , that he takes around the country with his son and displays. Hope you don't mind me showing it....
  5. Hey Crasheroni.....I fixed my Realteus problem and it is working again !!! At some point I ran over the usb cable with my chair wheel and unbeknown to me I had severed all of the little eight cables inside the sheathing. I found this after I was inspecting it and it felt a little odd.... Opened up the cable and soldered them together again. All works....chuffed because they are colour coded and I got them right
  6. Especially for JP and his German invasion colleague !!
  7. Sid

    Pilot's Notes

    Version 1.0.0


    Individual aircraft sheets giving important information eg. engine management
  8. Engine management in GBS has been a learning process since it came out and I think we are now getting the hang of it. What has been happening for some months now is that when asked for engine settings the reply has been to use the 'Cruise' figures quoted in the Pilot's Notes found here. The figures contained in the Notes have been replicated on the crib sheet mod found in the cockpit (the one that replaces the tottie picture). An example of this would be 2,600 RPM and 44 inches on the Manifold pressure dial on the P38, these dials being found on the right of the instrument panel at the top on this aircraft. Whilst on some aircraft this may work out as what we knew as '80 - 80' in the '46 days unfortunately this no longer applies for optimum performance at cruise settings. I know these RPM and Manifold pressure figures as the 'Standard' settings. The majority of German aircraft have only the 'ata' pressure gauge that needs to be monitored...this is usually running at 1.15 for cruise but does differ. What has been happening recently is that, as the P38 is being used more intimately, these standard cruise settings aren't always used. I have noticed that when climbing out and awaiting the formation to assemble over the airfield these settings are reduced to 2,300 RPM and 30 inches to allow for a gentle steady climb and to give pilots towards the rear the opportunity to use the standard settings, or a little bit more in accordance with the crib sheet, to catch up. Fen and Painless are used to these settings and call them out when making changes so in conjunction with Fen's method of cutting the corner he mentioned above hopefully we can all pick up on this and adjust our settings for catching up. With the P38, for optimal setting, mixture can be set at 70% when on the ground and generally left there. Hope that helps.
  9. One odd issue for me during the mission was that I lost the 6DOF in VR. I could turn my head and lean backwards and forwards but I couldn't tilt my view to look around the instruments or use the mirror. I had full functionality during the dogfight server, coop server before the mission and after the mission I flew a single mission and went onto Arthur's server and had full functionality for both. Weird....
  10. We'll be ok next time Friar 👍 Thanks for the work Fen....as someone said last night I think we are breaking new ground with the mission generator and are pushing it's workings to the limit and beyond. Good to be testing it like we are though. My issues with the mission and how it went have mostly been mentioned in the previous posts so few additions from me. I don't think everyone will need to set up whispers, perhaps just set up one between Fen and Painless to start with and see how it goes. Take it step by step and maybe expand coverage if required. Last night emphasised how necessary it is to have controls set up and the need to push the P38 in order to keep up with others. Painless reduced his engine rpm and manifold pressure quite a lot to allow us to catch up but if you can't please say so as flight leaders can put in banking turns to allow those behind to catch up. I will be more attentive and look to do that next time. Cheerzen
  11. Something that would affect me if I upgraded the processor on my X99-A Asus motherboard would be that the newer processor would need the Bios to be updated to a newer version. I have never flashed/updated bios so that sort of put me off. Mine has an LGA 2011 v3 socket in the mobo.
  12. I would really like you or Fruity to tell that one.....makes it interesting to see other persons' views on it.....so as to speak.... 😉
  13. Ten years ago.....ah, the infamous trip to Normandy....in my 7 seat Isuzu Trooper. JP and the lovely french lady on the ferry....French Mirage fighters over Pointe du Hoc looking for JP.....walking around the museum at Caen trying to avoid JP .....I'm sure there were others there
  14. Second piccie has some as named in third and includes Painless chinking glasses with Sid and FT next to Painless
  15. I'll start the ball rolling... Left to right on third photo as per in piccie: Jedi (I think), JensenPark, Friar, Gec, Mrs. Jim, Sid, Oldtimer, Jim, Pooka, Mrs Pooka, FT's back, Zooly, Mrs Zooly, Arthur (I think)
  16. Janie always said that my study would take off and fly one day.....
  17. Greetings I have created a folder from the cockpits mod found here The link to the folder in the vault is here I have made it JSGME friendly and it is for all aircraft. Cheerzen Sid
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Page here says it all https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/60671-mod-4k-cockpits-for-bosbombokbobp-planes/ Basically the cockpit resolutions have been doubled, those that are 1k to 2k, those that are 2k to 4k. The U2VS is already 4k so isn't included. I have created this zip file in which there is a folder I created called "Oyster_KAI HiRes Cockpits 21Apr20". Inside that is the "data" folder and the folder structure for use with JSGME. Unzip and place the "Oyster_KAI HiRes Cockpits 21Apr20" in your Mods folder and enable it as usual. There are common files with the "polished canopies" mod so it will ask if you want to proceed, just say yes, the polished canopies mod will appear "greyed out". The "....21Apr20" part of the folder name is the day I created it. It is 1.64 KB when zipped, 2.51 GB unzipped. I will try to keep it updated. Cheerzen
  19. That lighting is a great effect...when did you do that?
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