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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Sid

  1. I had that one occasion I told you about where my frame rates crashed completely. I left the server and rejoined and they went back to normal.
  2. A set of 20 Sherman skins for use in Dogz events. There are 4 zip files, one has the 20 skins in for placing directly into the "_M4A2" skins folder, another has the 20 skins as a JSGME ready folder that goes into your 'Mods' folder and there are 2 that have the skins split into 2 packs as some encountered issues downloading a pack of 20. Select which one, or ones, you want. The JSGME one allows you to remove the skins easily after the event. Produced by Sid using the game M4A2 template.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A set of 20 Sherman skins for use in Dogz events. There are 4 zip files, one has the 20 skins in for placing directly into the "_M4A2" skins folder, another has the 20 skins as a JSGME ready folder that goes into your 'Mods' folder and there are 2 that have the skins split into 2 packs as some encountered issues downloading a pack of 20. Select which one, or ones, you want. The JSGME one allows you to remove the skins easily after the event. Produced by Sid using the game M4A2 template.
  4. 410th BG Debrief A partially successful mission was carried out by Crash, Delta and Sid. We were tasked with bombing transport locations in Schiedem. Again, cloud cover dictated that we stayed below the cloud at approximately 6000ft and we set ourselves up for a run in with a tailwind by heading west out to sea and returned east inland. The ground targets were quite elusive and couldn't be confirmed from this height until we were close, also there were many flak units mixed in so it was decided to carry out a low level bomb run. All pilots broke off from height and made individual runs onto the target destroying trucks, facilities and buildings. We each made 2 runs however Delta unfortunately stalled in a tight turn and crashed....too low to survive. His determined and accurate persona will be missed. Crash and Sid returned to Eindhoven with no damage to either aircraft via a longer route to the south in order to avoid a dog fight further north. Major E Shoo
  5. ~S~ Mobius. Sounds like Frigates would fit in great! Get him to introduce himself in Recruitment here , once a Dog he will then get the info and passwords 👍
  6. Sid

    Grumpy Comment

    Well, I think that 3-syllable Pontius would eventually come out as 2-syllable Ponchus anyway..... Welcome DD_Pontius, hope you are able to catch us in the skies when flying Adelaide time 👍
  7. 410th BG Debrief A successful mission was carried out by Delta and Sid. We were tasked with bombing the railway station in Krefeld. Cloud cover dictated that we stayed below the cloud at approximately 6000ft and we set ourselves up for a run in with a tailwind. High windspeed, 10m/s, at this height provided us with a very gusty and wobbly platform...Sid dropped close but missed the train...Delta dropped down whilst Sid diverted the flak's attention, Delta then carried out a perfect low level drop along the line of the track and took out the train and rolling stock. Both aircraft made a rendezvous at Venlo and landed back at Eindhoven with no damage to either aircraft. No other aircraft were seen and flak over the target was relatively light. Major E Shoo
  8. Personalised 485 FG P38 skin for Squawk. A Git production using the stock template.
  9. Evening all. Please download Squawk's 485 FG P38 skin from here Ta Sid
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Personalised 485 FG P38 skin for Squawk. A Git production using the stock template.
  11. It's the Hasegawa 1/32 Fi156 C Storch. It came with two figures, one pilot and one standing Rommel so I had to raid the spares box for other figures however Mussolini is a generic old man resin figure off the net, only one I could find wearing a Homberg hat.. A coat of primer cleans them up and prepares them ready for some colour...it's very rare I paint figures so this could be fun Most of the figures won't be seen as the fuselage is narrow and hides most of them and the canopy and frames will obscure much of the upper parts. As for the canopy frames I try wherever possible to get a ready made printed masking set made from the yellow modelling masking tape, I can generally get one supplied for every aircraft I have built. If not, then yes, lots of masking.....
  12. 😐 Shot...? Is that what the game said or is it a bit of poetic licence...? Not that it matters but I landed safely in a field however I saw the crew's chutes collapsing as they dropped into trees.
  13. You're welcome, I appreciate people put a lot of time and effort into modelling aircraft. I achieved my mottling on my Trumpeter 1/32 262 by using bluetak as a mask...I don't have an airbrush and use spray cans. Different methods to achieve a basically similar effect.
  14. I take the pic as the real deal....it is one of a few taken at the time. The raid was acted out some time afterwards using a different unit, much to the annoyance of the original raiders, for the benefit of cameras and propaganda but one thing I am fairly sure of is that they didn't load up a Storch again as they did the first time....it was an extremely hazardous take off first time around. SJ+LL it is.
  15. That is very good mottling effect Reggie. Is a mask or airbrushing?
  16. Could do with some assistance here. The kit can be built as the one involved in the raid and comes with markings for SU+LL. This is a piccie at the time of the raid just before the Storch took off and to me, the codes are SJ+LL. I have seen it built as both. What do you think?
  17. Yep, couldn't be more right!!
  18. Yep, nice one 👍 1/32....mostly, with some 1/35 body parts.
  19. Bit of a challenge for you chaps This is a piccie of the cockpit and occupants of my current project.....very much a work in progress as all 3 figures need extensive working to get them in and filler but it's a start. Can anyone guess the aircraft type I'm building, name the real occupants represented by the plastic figures and the situation that put the real people together in the cockpit? For fun obviously as I can't offer beer as a prize very easily..... Cheerzen
  20. Morning Thanks for hosting last night Friar and putting together the missions....particularly liked the first one.....BOOM!! Lots of Dogz on their backs Few screenies.... Painless in the Spittie, Sid and FT being very colourful and rather a lot of damage on the A20 full of hoomans but we got it back
  21. I was wondering if anyone has used SRS for comms and what are the advantages, if any. It appears there is a custom built setup for IL2 https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/68622-dedicated-voice-comms/ https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/63326-installation-and-usage-of-srs-for-il-2-voice-comms-app/ Or would this be unnecessary for the Dogz? Cheerzen
  22. A set of 20 T34 skins for use in Dogz events. There are 2 zip files, one has the 20 skins in for placing directly into the T34 1943 skins folder, the other has the 20 skins as a JSGME ready folder that goes into your 'Mods' folder. Select which one you want, the JSGME one allows you to remove the skins easily after the event. Produced by Sid using the game T34 template.
  23. Version 1.0.0


    A set of 20 T34 skins for use in Dogz events. There are 2 zip files, one has the 20 skins in for placing directly into the T34 1943 skins folder, the other has the 20 skins as a JSGME ready folder that goes into your 'Mods' folder. Select which one you want, the JSGME one allows you to remove the skins easily after the event. Produced by Sid using the game T34 template.
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