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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Nope, not this one. Not a big deal, everything works fine. I understand the need for security but I feel it's a way to make people upgrade....
  2. Cheers Jabo. Still not sure if mine will take it as my mobo doesn't have the extra security software needed....that was a few months back though, perhaps the criteria have changed
  3. Hi Mainz, thanks for dropping in and saying hello Give us a try, we are a very unique bunch and we enjoy the chat and banter as much as the flying. We are lucky to have our own dedicated private Dogz servers that are running 24/7 so it's great to drop in and find peeps there at all hours. Cheerzen
  4. Oooo, nice info I suggest that the two new tanks will be the StuG III and a Churchill Mark III or IV.....reason being they were around at Kursk and most other common tanks are available already https://www.forces.net/news/battle-kursk-clash-tanks . Be great if it is these as they will drop into other scenarios too.
  5. Thanks for putting your deck up Bob, it works a treat for controlling the AI. I flew a flight of 4 A20s and they did as they were told every time. This has given me another level of control that doesn't need mapping on my controls I only have an Android phone but it works a treat. +1 from me.
  6. Sorted...I double click it and it auto installs into Matric
  7. Do you know which folder the deck file is placed?
  8. Do you know where your deck would be placed Bob?
  9. I like this....especially for AI comms. Thanks for putting yours up Bob
  10. Sid

    Dogz new member

    I think your version of 'normal' isn't 'normal' around here Reggie.....
  11. As an example of co-ordinated flying and attacking the Tiffies produced a corker last night. Take off with 3 AI went fine and all 6 Tiffies set off to the target. Not far from the home airfield we flew past 2 parachutes....we think the escorting P47s must have collided because we didn't see them at all. On arrival at the target bridge we overflew to check for flak but there was nothing...the idea was to send in the AI to suppress the flak but instead they proceeded to attack the bridge and took it out first drop....right in front of Delta! They did that without being ordered to do it. Knowing that I will order them to loiter next time rather than let them muscle in... No targets in the bridge area so we went hunting. We found flak and trucks around Wesel so I ordered the AI to attack ground targets. They became our flak magnets and drew 90% of the flak...lost 2 of them but we cleared out a lot of ground targets. Ammunition depleted we did a 'Brave Sir Robin' and headed for home. AI landed first, at the correct airfield this time, and we all landed safely. Well done chaps!!
  12. Sid

    Dogz new member

    Morning Beagle. Great nickname, fits in very well!! Welcome, I hope you settle in and enjoy your time in the pound
  13. Got a measly 3MBs internet speed at the moment...BT are looking into it but are travelling to me at 3mph so won't be here until Thursday morning. Hoping it will cope tonight....
  14. Thanks FT. I don't have it installed so can't check
  15. Sid

    IL2 Enhanced Mod Pack.

    From my perspective I like the map retextures but the others don't change much for me.
  16. Caught on camera again.... Out on the Guzzi with my mate last Sunday and the bikerpics photographer was on the same bend as last time on the A44 Bromyard to Worcester road. We were coming from the opposite direction this time. I was using my left foot as my angle of dangle indicator, it was skimming the road surface nicely. @Arthur, the centre stand is off now, it scraped once on a left hander in a dip where the suspension was close to bottoming out so I removed it....
  17. Hi Benboy As far as I can remember the B24 is included in the latest update which I think is 4.12.2. If your game is up to date the B24 should be there. If you are flying offline and you want other bombers and maps then perhaps you should try the BAT installation found on the SAS forum here Cheerzen Sid
  18. From my point of view it wasn't an issue because I knew we were up for 4 generated missions so expected them to be of a relatively short duration. If we are having an evening of short missions I don't think anything needs to be changed, it didn't take away any fun or sense of involvement at all. Cheerzen
  19. Sid

    Icon Settings

    Friar, check PMs
  20. Sid

    Icon Settings

    I am looking in the Dogz mods to see if they can be changed. Currently, Dogz icon mod v.1 allows pilots to see aircraft and ground target markers whilst flying and on the maps. I am testing it to see if the removal of ground markers still allows the map markers to be seen. Dogz Tank icons mod v.2 removes all markers from view and maps except for aircraft. I am looking to see if the map markers can be returned. Are either of these options what you are after?
  21. Sid

    Icon Settings

    Do you mean on minimap and briefing map but not whilst in a plane or tank?
  22. Probably won't be flying tonight, busy weekend, not quite finished.....
  23. Sid

    B26 Marauder

    Thanks for the positivity chaps There is a plan to use one of the remaining WW2 buildings at Rivenhall as a museum and represent the airfield as a working base. There is a possibility that they would like models of the aircraft based there, B26 included, to be built for display. Looking to get the job....P51B, Stirling Mk IV, Horsa glider and Dakota.
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