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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Ok Slicker, you are 'Green 3' with Snacko & Eshark as 'Green 2' and 'Green 1' respectively. Have you registered your Steam ID? You must have done this else you won't have access to our 'home' airfield (see this post: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/11924-cliffs-of-dover-storm-of-war-server/page-3#entry121736 )


    Chet: you take Pooks place as 'Yellow 3'. If you have to abort, then so be it. FT and BluBear are big boys and can look after themselves if necessary! ;) Just try to land the aircraft, even on a friendly airfield that is not home base.


    Jabo & Fruitbat: You'll make up Blue Section with space for one more straggler who turns up....


    Any further latecomers will have to take Hurricanes as we will be out of our quota of Spitfire Mk.1a 100oct by this time - please do NOT use the Mk.II Spits as they are our recon birds. 


    And remember gents if you do come in late don't just jump in a kite and go screaming off into the wild blue yonder; there are opportunities for 2+ sorties depending on enemy air activity and I'd rather us go up in Section strength at the very least - otherwise it's too bloody easy to get ten bells knocked out of you stooging about on your own.

    • Like 1
  2. Shame Pook, but understood and thanks for the heads up.

    We have two more highly likely attendees but they aren't 100% sure yet - if so they can slot in on the vacant slots in Yellow & Green or become a two ship Blue Section.

    The idea behind this segregation is as follows; it allows me quickly to designate Sections to different tasks if we end up in a multi-type target engagement, so for example if we meet escorted bombers I can task Yellow for bombers whilst I take Red Section in to engage & distract the escort fighters (or at least part of their number) and direct Green to cover Yellow as they attack; once Yellow have broken off, Green can engage the bombers as Yellow cover their attack. My hope is that we could keep up this cycle as long as possible until either the bombers are all downed or the very least minimise our losses if some escorts slip passed Red Section (or whoever was detailed to engage the escorts).

    Alternatively, if we meet an unescorted bomber formation I can direct Sections quickly to attack particular parts of the formation so we can try to avoid getting in each others way - and mitigate the number of collisions that can occur during such attacks. A further benefit of this is that in enables us to inflict as much damage to as many bombers as possible in the first pass. The formation will break up quicker as more damaged bombers slip out of formation, reducing their effective cross fire. This, combined with a good chance of eliminating a proportion of their rear gunners on the first pass, should make a second further attack a far less hairy endeavour.

    • Like 1
  3. Please note chaps that your mixture needs to be at 0% - this is, perhaps counter intuitively, your full rich setting. See extract from the Team Fusion Spitfire Mk.Ia 100 Octane (but applies to all the Merlin engined a/c) flight manual below: 



    The engine is equipped with a carburettor which allows the pilot to select either 'Rich' or 'Lean' mixtures. 'Rich' mixture is used in all normal situations, takeoff, landing, climb, combat. 'Lean' mixture is only used to conserve fuel in level flight Cruise settings, and only when boost is set to '+1' or lower, and rpms to 2600 or lower. Use of 'Lean' mixture setting at higher rpms or boost will result in the destruction of the engine.


    Full manual here:




    and for the Hurri:



  4. Hi Pook!


    These two jumped right out:


    Jettison Canopy - Ctrl C

    Select Supercharger Previous Step - Ctrl C  -- not applicable in RAF fighters, don't know about Blenheim or Luftie types.


    Toggle Canopy - C

    Toggle Side Window - C


    As for redundant settings couldn't see any - there some that don't apply to the Single Engined RAF planes but might be/are used in the Blenheim of the Lufties.


    What is your Radiator mapped to?


  5. Aaaah... fresh blood! Welcome new victim-I mean member. I look forward to finding you in the gunsight-I mean server soon.

    Do be advised that our ecclesiastical flight commander, DD_Friar, will no doubt be along shortly to proffer his own unique brand of spiritual *ahem* guidance *ahem*. Smile politely and nod and if he should make some form of solicitation vis-a-vis 'Sister Jonathan' then I would politely decline. Unless of course you're into that sort of thing, in which case you'll get along nicely with Mr. Painless.

  6. Nonsense! I fly gliders and have had no affiliation with Beelzebub or any other subordinate evil spirit at enmity with a benevolent omniscient deity of any particular religious persuasion.


    Now, please excuse me, I must go sacrifice a goat on an inverted cross... my instructor tells me it'll help with my thermalling.

    • Like 2
  7. Late in the day, but at the 11th hour, Happy Blinkin' Birthday Bongo! Hope you had a suitably salacious day.


    Who'd a thought the two sound-a-likes have such a close connection in their Birth dates also? Bit spooky if you ask me. Which you didn't. So I'll be quiet and go away now. 

  8. Hey Nage!


    Process is as follows:


    1. Wait till mission time is 1118 (12 mins from spawn). Clock is far left side of instrument panel.


    2. Start your engine.


    3. Hit tab. Select your flight. In your case, option '3', Red. Ovy you select option '4', White, and Arg0n option '5', Blue.






    4. Then select option 'Q', Technical






    5. Then select the Start Engines Option


    All members of your  flight will start their engines. Before they do start pulling out from your dispersal point.






    These are the routes the AI will be following; try to keep to them!





    I have placed lights across the field to mark the runway - also the start of the runway is marked by some vehicles and an elevated green light to help guide you to that point.


    The AI should not collide with you if you are careful, and most of the time they will stop and let you in if you get on a collision course - but just be wary!

  9. Thanks to the VARP fellows for getting involved!


    I've allocated you all to Typhoons for an all Eastern Europe Escort! Hope that's ok, if anyone would like a Mossie please say and I'll do some swapping.


    Nage, Ovy & Arg0n I have given you flight lead status and you'll each have AI wingmen - it's important that you understand the taxi-to-takeoff parameters of Il-2 and make your way carefully to the southeast corner of the airfield in flights, in order. Watch out for the mischievous  :spank: AI to avoid collisions - we'll need as many of you in the air as possible at the target area if you catch my drift!  :icon_thumright:


    This of course means that Artie, I have moved you to a Mossie winging Sid. Hope that's acceptable.

  10. *BUMP*


    More volunteers needed chaps! Mosquito flights could do with filling up but also Tiffies need flight leaders at the very least!


    Pooka, you missed the last one of these, can I tempt you to join us Sunday?



    Artie me old china, I've given you the lead Typhoon flight. Means you'll be leading AI and having to wait a bit at mission start, is that ok?

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