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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Congrats Heather & Jess! Hearty back slaps all round!


    Ah university...! It is with nostalgia I think of all those mildly undercooked-baked-beans-on-not-quite-fully-defrosted-Birdseye-potato-waffle dinners; The unusual and vaguely necrotic smells emanating from the room two-doors down across the hall; Being dragged into the Student Union girls toilet by rather lascivious lady whilst I was dressed in drag as a female hockey player (I think it was the knee high sports socks and the mini-skirt combo that did it!); praying I've got enough funds to stump up for a beer come the end of term; vomiting what looked like Mountain Dew whilst showering (borderline alcohol poisoning); Getting punched in the face in Bognor Regis; My housemate sitting on my face and farting to arouse me from slumber; 


    These things made me the man I am today.


    Kinda explains a lot.


    All the best of luck to the girls Colin, Nick. I hope they had as illuminating a time as I did!

  2. D models glove vanes were deleted and RHAWS antennae installed in their place AFAIK - they were found to be superfluous (designed to both limit the extra stability incurred at supersonic speeds and relieve the tailerons of some load) after experience in service, so they were locked shut and the actuators physically removed from the airframe to save some weight.


    It does seem odd that the A variant does not feature them - unless they were deactivated in '83/'84 in which case it would make sense. Perhaps the Letherneck designed the 3D model with them and started the FM work with them included but when the ultimate decision was arrived at which eras to focus on then they became redundant?

  3. Aircraft mounted video cameras don't generally bother with microphones FT - you know how much wind noise even a 20mph wind makes over a mic, imagine it at 200! No point, you'd never get close to a good representation of the subject a/c with all that wind noise. 


    I like it silent - no questionable/cheesy music choice. Just drink in the visual spectacle without distraction!

  4. Thanks chaps! Spent the day picnicking on the Sunny Kent Coast with the lovely lady and some people type people that apparently are known as "friends" (not sure never encountered these types before). Glorious weather, good company and a spot of rowing thrown in too! All far too civilised for a heathen of my breed but thoroughly enjoyable all the same. Thanks again for the well wishes, see you chaps tomorrow eve!

  5. Whilst I agree in aerodynamic principal with Perfs suggestion, I would suggest that it is better to practise moving the stick to neutral (centre) position as you pick up speed, rather than trim nose down. Why? If you have any exponential set on your elevator, it's going to mean you are moving it into an area that is more sensitive and you'll have less fine control as a result as you try to rotate the a/c to flying attitude to leave the ground - this could (and I say could because it depends on the level of curve set in the controls) result in an inadvertent stall if you don't have a very sensitive feel for the elevator.


    For my takeoffs I personally follow this particular sequence:


    1) Stick aft when taxi-ing or at stationary

    2) Power to 50% to initiate roll

    3) Right rudder - enough to compensate for torque dragging nose left

    4) Small amount of right stick to compensate (this will vary with strength of any crosswind component)

    5) As speed picks up beyond running pace, throttle up to 100%

    6) More right rudder to compensate

    7) Stick steadily to neutral

    8.) Lessen right rudder and right stick input as speed increases

    9) Nose will automatically tend to drop as speed picks up and tail starts to fly - can be helped with some very slight forward stick; just a breath!

    10) When tail wheel is off ground hold stick in neutral till speed >90mph

    11) Gently lift nose - and I mean gently, does not need much asking at all!

    12) Voila! You are airborne!

    13) Gear up

    14) Reduce revs to 2800 (~84% Prop pitch)

    15) Do not immediately attempt to climb steeply; let your speed build into a very shallow climb (sufficient to be avoiding such inconveniences as trees, buildings, high ground, NBA basketball players, etc) and don't start climbing proper till you have at least 150mph on the clock. Best climb in the Spit or Hurri is ~160-170mph Indicated Air Speed, you should be looking for a climb angle at which your plane can hold this speed. You'll need to trim the rudder to reduce the effect of torque induced wing drop at these speeds but it's easy once you have the hang of it.


    This is not a do-it-this-way-or-die thing (except for point 15 - I would recommend everybody adopts this approach to climb out); Perfs suggestion certainly has mileage, and ultimately, whichever works for you is the way to go.

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  6. Hello all!


    Quick reminder that this coming Thursday (9th April) is Cliffs of Dover night; we'll be in the Dangerdogz server doing general revision, practise or introduction to any aspects of flying the various types, plus having a muck about as is the usual DD's modus operandi.


    Anyone with specific questions regarding particular a/c should post questions here beforehand to allow those of us with some knowledge to do some research and ensure we aren't talking borrox when we proffer advice!


    Looking forward to it chaps!

  7. Alas, there's no secret to it Rox, just gotta work the throttle all the time; and if you wait until the moment you think you're overtaking/falling behind to adjust the throttle it's already too late! When I'm formating my left arm is going back & forth like a fiddler's elbow, and I still get caught out! 


    It's easier in Il-2: 1946 as the a/c accelerate and decelerate more quickly, CloD seems to exhibit much greater inertia in this respect thus making things much more tricky.

  8. Just a reminder of how can adjust your markings:


    When you select our home airfield (I do not wish to broadcast its location on a publicly viewed forum - just ask on TS tomorrow night if you are unsure) on the map lobby screen prior to flying, a picture of an aircraft will appear on the upper right hand side, in our case it's a Spit Mk.IIa - we don't want to be flying the Mk.II unless were flying recon, so in order to change the plane double click that pic which will take you to the plane option screen.

    On the top left hand side of the screen is a bar describing the currently selected aircraft (it'll be the Spitfire Mk.IIa in this case) - double click that box and it will show you all the aircraft currently available to us at our home airfield the Hurricane Mk.Ia (Rotol) 100 octane, Spitfire Mk.Ia 100 Octane and the Blenheim. Select the Hurri or Spitfire Mk.Ia by clicking on the relevant image.

    The aircraft displayed in the lower left hand side window should now become that which you selected. On the right hand side is a list of options you can use to edit various details.

    In the 'Type' drop down, change to (or leave as) 'Fighter (early)'

    In the 'Regiment' drop down, change to (or leave as) '66 Squadron' for Spitfire Mk.Ia or '32 Squadron' for Hurricane Mk.Ia

    In the 'Squadron' drop down, change to (or leave as) '1'

    In the 'Callsign' drop down, change to (or leave as) 'Fibius' for Spitfire Mk.Ia or 'Jacko' for Hurricane Mk.Ia

    In the 'Paintscheme' drop down, change to (or leave as) 'default'

    'Noseart' left/right leave as 'none'

    'Tailnumber' - this is the individual large alpha/numeric aircraft code letter - I present a proposal of whom should wear what (as in the other SoW thread) so we can ID each other quickly. If you don't like what I've suggested and would prefer a different one then please discuss:

    DD_APHill       - A
    DD_Artie         - T
    DD_Arthur      - H
    DD_BluBear   - B
    CaptJackG     - G
    DD_Crash      - C
    DD_Eshark     - E
    DD_Fenrir      - Q

    DD_Fruitbat   - K
    DD_FT           - F

    DD_Funflak    - U
    DD_Jabo        - J
    DD_OverDhill - O

    DD_Painless  - M
    DD_Pooka     - P
    DD_ROX        - R
    DD_Snacko    - S

    Slicker55        - L


    You can type numbers or letters in this field just remember that numbers will be displayed as letters, with 1=A, 2=B, 3=C ... etc.

    'Serial number' - whatever you like (these are the small black aircraft serials just forward of the empennage)

    Ignore the 'colour' options

    Ensure the 'Markings' selection box is ticked/filled.

    'Weathering' is entirely at your discretion.

    Hope this helps.



    Finally, we will all need to be on the SoW's own Teamspeak server to communicate with Ground Control if they are available:


    IP = 
    password = stormofwar
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