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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Apologies to all that last night was a bust; obviously there were a number of technical issues, many of which that were no one persons fault,  but considering it took 40 minutes to get from server up (2120) to ultimate scrubbing (2200) there is obviously some work that is required. 

    I have my suspicions that my internet connection is partially to blame; it may also have to do with the server being hosted by a player - DCS seems to run happier with a segregated host/client architecture and I suspect GBS may be the same.

    I will look into options hosting the campaign on the DDz dedicated server with FT. I cannot guarantee this will fix all the issues (lord knows I've experienced the occasional kick/crash even flying our usual coops) and may require a full campaign restart but I will know more in the coming days.

    As for personal technical issues; gremlins strike, we've all had them and on occasion even a full test prior to joining an event does not completely eradicate the chance of them occurring. However it will help mitigate the chance of spawning in and finding your TiR has gone for a burton or that for some reason a controller detection has decided to go south. Personally I'd recommend a quick mission free flight or a test on the DDz dogfight server.

    Speculatively, it may help to fly the test on the Rheine map before joining the campaign mission as this could load textures into your RAM, minimising the information that your PC is having to process and the load it is having to cope with when attempting to join, making a successful connection more likely. Maybe.

    The upshot of this is: from hereonin, if we have all players successfully spawned in but your hardware screws up, then sorry we continue without you. Even if it's a gremlin that didn't show itself in the test prior then you're an abort. Done. We cannot continue doing 40 minutes of restarts every time.

    As for pre-organisation of who's flying which position - this will help lessen the time taken to ready up but  will always be subject to vagaries and interference of Real Life. Leaders will have to prepared to be flexible and adjust to on the spot deviations promptly and decisively. 

    It would help if those partaking read and thoroughly understood the SoPs The point of me writing all that guff was not just to stroke my own ego or cos I had nothing better to do; it plays an important role in getting everyone in server and airbourne in the minimum of time.


    Well it means that the required information to be imparted at briefing is condensed down to just the following:

    1. Formation assignments (or any deviations from prepared) - 1-2 minutes 

    2. Target - type and location - 10 seconds

    3. Navigation - waypoints, points of note & egress headings - 1-2 minutes

    4. Loadout - 10-20 seconds

    5. Runway in use - 10-20 seconds

    6. Any other matters lead wishes to bring up - 30 seconds

    Everything else is known and should not vary between missions. Thus a briefing could be over in as quick as 3 minutes.

    As for start time; next mission is scheduled for 23/06/20. This mission will have a participation cutoff of 2100 BST.

    If you are not in comms prior to this you will not be flying.

    If you have not entered server and selected you plane by 2110 you will not be flying.




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  2. Hi chaps!

    Alert to all: NEW VERSION OF A-4E IS AVAILABLE! 


    Version 1.4 - 10 June 2020


    • 3D/Cockpit Model
      • added radar glow
      • updated cockpit lighting. Added red floodlights on both sides of the ejection seat
      • made clickable (oxygen switch, walleye/shrike selector, air-conditioning panel)
      • new sidewinder volume knob
      • added destination slew knobs for navigation computer panel
      • new compass controller panel model (clickable but currently not functional)
      • revised engine control panel with clickable switches
      • new AFCS test panel model (currently non-functional)
      • updated misc switch panel for accuracy
      • external fuel quantity check is now a button
      • new light indicator model for manual fuel control, jato, and doppler memory mode indicators
      • implement clickable spot for hiding the control stick (#9)
      • Added clickspots to toggle rear view mirrors in the cockpit
      • added animated brake pedals to cockpit
    • 3D/External Model
      • New anti-collision light model and effect
    • reworked ECM control systems
      • upgraded AN/APR-23 to AN/APR-25
      • added separate APR-27 simulation
      • added ALQ-51A
      • added ALQ-51A BIT Test
    • air cond panel is now clickable
    • added emergency fuel shutoff control
      • engine will shutdown if lever is set to 'emer off'
      • engine will not start with lever in 'emer off' position
    • added fuel dump capability
    • added command for manual flight control override. Update brake hydraulic system
    • added refuelling probe light
    • added radar scope glow. radar scope glow is linked to brilliance setting
    • added option to disable catapult location checks (client side checks)
    • toggle switches and multiposition switches are now animated
    • added initial implementation of huffer simulation and sounds. moved external power logic to the huffer.
    • added native NVG and NVG keybindings
    • added clickable shoulder harness handle and secondary ejection handle
    • added function for APN-153 to calculate wind vector and pass to ASN-41
    • ASN-41 will now display wind vector when in D1 or D2 mode
    • Initial implementation of manual and primary fuel control mode
      • manual fuel control warning light will come on when engine fuel control is in manual mode
      • manual mode will occur when fuel control switch is in the manual position
      • manual mode will occur when engine rpm is less than approximately 5-10 percent
    • added sdef for engine sounds to allow for customisation for engine sounds
    • added ability to export radar display. Display name is "A4E_RADAR"
    • Made JATO ARM-OFF and JATO JETTISON-SAFE switches clickable. Switches are clickable but no logic is coded in the systems due to lack of JATO.
    • Added axis binding for gunsight elevation control
    • added support to take off from the Sao Paulo A12 and Charles de Gaulle carriers
    • added navigation log page to kneeboard
    • added option to remove ECM control panel from cockpit via mission editor
    • added option to choose between MIL Power or Manual catapult launch in A-4E options menu
    • added ability to map two axis to the brake axis. Both axis still function as one combined brake axis and does not perform differential braking.
    • added payload options for 2 x AN-M57A1 and 3 x AN-M57A1 with the TER
    • added PictureBlenderColor property which is required for newer ME icons
    • Liveries:
      • added Trainer USMC VMAT-102
      • added Trainer USN Bare Metal 1956
      • added USMC VMA-124 Memphis Marines
      • added USN VA-45 Blackbirds
      • added USN USN VA-212 Rampant Raiders
      • added Trainer: USN VC-5 Checkertails
    • Textures/Exterior:
      • added Roughmet gloss-level options
      • added hardpoint bottoms textures
      • added MER rack textures
    • Missions
      • Added Nevada missions


    • new collision model and updated critical damage values
    • updated hydraulic system to be dependent on engine rpm
    • changed layout of option menu
    • moved clickable definitions to separate file (clickable_defs.lua)
    • tweaked switch behaviour to be consistent between left/right clicks
    • weapons and RWR sounds will now be played through the pilot headphones. Sounds will sound like it is coming through the helmet when "hear like headphones" is used"
    • AI model now uses 3D argument lights
    • updated AN/ASN-153 warmup and test sequence timings (1 minute for test and 5 minutes for warmup)
    • changed ASN-41 to require a push-and-turn to change values (same in real world, left + right-click and drag or left-click and scroll)
    • new UI elements for version 1.4
    • updated MER model and textured
    • Hide stick option is now consolidated with main sim options. Remove option to hide stick from A-4E-C special options menu.
    • rewrite more accurate simulation of APN-153 warmup time. Change APN-153 TEST sequence.
    • changed brightness of lights to match lighting changes in 2.5.6
    • renamed radio in mission editor to ARC-51A
    • turbine fan blade is now an opaque texture instead of translucent
    • updated hydraulic system pressurization to occur when engine startup has reached idle rpm. (#189)
      • Although idle rpm is set at 55%, the sim approaches but does not reach 55.0 or greater upon startup. Lower the hydraulic checks to 54.9 will guarantee the trigger to occur for engine startups.
    • changed AN-M30, AN-M57, and AN-M65 to use models and weapon definitions in DCS Core
    • updated weapon payloads to use newer TER model in DCS Core
    • THREAT light on glareshield has been returned to the original IFF light. RHWS warnings are available on the ECM panel as per aircraft.
    • increased IR emission coefficient to 0.5 to be more inline with other modules.
    • 3D/External model
      • updated navigation lights
      • fixed uv for pylons, bypass fan, fuselage bottom
      • new model and animation for rotary beacons
    • Textures/Cockpit:
      • updated boards, labels, buttons
      • updated cockpit gass
      • updated internal photograph
      • fixed gauge edge bleed
      • misc. minor 2019 improvements
    • Textures/Exterior:
      • removed/re-packaged loose files
      • replaced exterior lights textures
      • fixed interior fan, engine exhaust pipe, engine intakes
    • Liveries:
      • updated Aggressor camos for better matching with weapons connections
      • updated Blue Angels with custom Roughmet
      • updated NZ with more accurate markings
      • renamed "Unmarked" so it loads as the default instead of Argentina.
    • Missions:
      • updated Caucasus missions with new liveries, times and weathers
      • updated Persian Gulf missions with new liveries, times and weather
    • UI:
      • New main menu splash screen image
      • New briefing windows images
    • Input:
      • Major rewrite of keybinding files. HOTAS profiles will now use diff files instead
      • Duplicate keybinds are removed
      • Standardise naming convention of binding names and categories
      • fixed some standardisation for "else" and capitalisation for "Special For Joystick"
      • new binding diff file for CH Fighterstick and removed old binding file for Warthog joystick. Updated throttle binding.
      • added diff bindings for Sidewinder Force Feedback 2
      • added default binding for Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 in XInput mode



    • removed custom models and weapon definitions for AN-M30, AN-M-57, AN-M65


    • ECM panel indicators will now work with master test light button
    • gear handle light will no longer light up when primary ac power is not available
    • spoilers are now linked to the hydraulic system
    • flaps and gear are now dependent on utility hydraulic
    • fixed bouncing nose gear
    • fixed briefing map to auto load with A-4E-C missions
    • restructured sounds folder for sound asset isolation. Sounds should no longer affect other modules.
    • cockpit damage is revised to fix issue where the sim counts the aircraft as dead but the pilot is still alive.
    • fixed issue where red flood lights flashes to full brightness when turning on
    • fixed aileron trim function for MS FFB2 joystick (#137) (AFCS is still not compatible with MS FFB2)
    • fixed windspeed and wind direction displayed on ASN-41 and BDHI when in test mode
    • fixed issue where A-4E-C does not appear in encyclopedia
    • corrected warthog bindings for flaps up and flaps down
    • fix bug where countermeasure values were not updated after rearming or with unlimited weapons
    • make canopy functional after ground crew repair
    • fixed external anti-collision lights not turning off when master light switch is turned off or power is disconnected. (#199)
    • fixed hookpoint for better catapult wire tracking.
    • fixed issue where probe light is not connected to the master exterior light switch
    • fixed issue where ECM panel still functions without power
    • fixed issue with missing shrike pylons in multiplayer
    • fixed issue where pylon cannot be removed from AI aircraft
    • added back engine exhaust smoke
    • fixed issue where engine compressor fan does not rotate for AI and multiplayer (#219)
    • 3D/Cockpit Model
      • fixed canopy uv mapping
      • fixed white floodlight canopy glare
      • fixed nav panel digit glitch
      • fixed incorrect appearance for control hydraulic annuciator on state (#176)
      • fixed green glow from radar while radar is powered off and in the dark. (#57)
      • fixed issue with pylon 1 not being removed on AI model
      • fixed issue with shrike pylons not appearing correctly in multiplayer
      • fixed normals on top surface of spoilers




    Available here: https://github.com/heclak/community-a4e-c/releases/tag/v1.4






    Updating Your A-4E Install

    Because of all these changes to the inputs, if you’re upgrading from previous versions of the module, you will need to delete your old bindings before using the new version and rebind all the controls for the aircraft.



  3. Well, gents, for the first time I get to say...

    Welcome to Debrief! (Whoot!)


    Firstly, great job guys on all making it back. 

    Particularly well done to the 485th for hitting their targets so unequivocally. 

    402nd - Reconnaissance of the frontline East of Bastogne. Great takeoff, form up and ingress to recon area, cruise alt Angels 16. Well flown gents. Spotted two contrails high over frontline, shortly after two Fw 190s dived through the formation. Broke formation and pursued one through cloud, lost him then reacquired him twice then came up on his 6 as he climbed south east and shot him down with a 2 no. 2 second and one no. 5 second burst, confirmed by Wingy and Zukker. Jabo claimed a probable in the same vicinity but couldn't get it confirmed. Regrouped squadron over Bastogne and we flew back to the frontline. Zenith squadron called mission complete so we RTB'd. All a/c down safe.

    To address some issues brought up:

    1. Stuttering mid-mission; this is an AI issue and occurs when we fly close enough to the mission area to spawn the enemy and friendly AI air and ground units. I will tweak the numbers of these down further.

    2. The multiple restarts were a pain and I am VERY conscious of those who suffer most for it, and can only apologise. For future I suggest the following:

    a) All players restart Il-2 prior to joining the P-38 Coop Campaign server

    b) All players DO NOT TOUCH A SODDING THING WITH THEIR CONTROLS UNTIL ALL PLAYERS ARE SUCCESSFULLY SPAWNED IN COCKPIT. In 402nd we basically call "Red 1 is in", "White 3 is in", etc, until everyone is in cockpit then we begin startup.

    c) We start even sooner. A 2100 start time perhaps?

    402nd ACR 01-10-44.PNG

    402nd Roster 01-10-44.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 01-10-44.PNG

    485th Roster 01-10-44.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 01-10-44.PNG

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  4. MiG-29 is a good choice.

    Pros - 3 versions in one purchase: the A, the S and the G. Manoueverable, powerful, fun! Looks great in cockpit and out. Former FC3 aircraft so systems simplified a bit thus making it easier to get into.

    Cons - Former FC3 aircraft so no clickable cockpit. Range is a bit of an issue as those Turmansky jets guzzle fuel! Landings can be tricky unless you follow the book exactly by the numbers.


  5. That map edge issue was a brand new one for me Dave - never actually experienced it! It was damn bad luck that meant you caught the worst of it's effect. I have highlighted the issue to Pat Wilson, whether or not he can make any necessary changes, I can't say. For sure they won't come very soon if they do, in the interim I will have to scrutinise the mission map prior to committing to ensure a target area is not going to cause similar issues.

    Regards the timing, I'm happy to push to an earlier time from my standpoint, however, it becomes more of an inter-personnel issue as to whether it's more convenient for some rather than others; I'm trying to get a balance where we don't end too late for some, or start too early for others. There's some wiggle room but it is tight, not helped by me needing to know exactly who's in prior to generating the mission. Furthermore, additional admin factors, like checking the maps for targets too close too map edge will eat into start times some. 

    I can push for perhaps a 2115 start if that helps?


  6. Gents I am sorry to report that PWCG generated an error report during the After Action Report process subsequent to tonight's mission; for why I cannot tell you, however I have bundled another error report over to Pat Wilson to see what went wrong and whether there's anything that we did that PWCG didn't like or an issue with PWCG itself. Will keep you posted.

    In the interim we will still be attempting the next mission on Tuesday 9th June, though it will ultimately be a recomencement of the first mission - regenerated to avoid the issues encountered in this evenings foray.

  7. In that case Arthur you'd have been on the old Stennis - which I have left in for those without the Super carrier module. Tomcats in the 200 range and hornets in the 300 range are on the new carrier.  

  8. Wierd! I logged on round 3pm BST and selecting Tomcat 200 which is specifically intended to hot spawn on the super carrier and it threw me in air start. Flew a mission, killed some stuff, came back to the super carrier and it refused me permission to land! 


  9. DCS Dogz, please note that the server is now running 2.5.6 Stable and I have requested it to remain on Stable for the foreseeable to keep it available for those Dogz members who do not partake in the OpenBeta. I ran a test on it this afternoon and whilst the Supercarrier appears, even for those of us who own the module, we are unable to spawn, takeoff or trap on it, I assume because the Server does not 'own' the module.

    I will converse with FT at the next available opportunity to see if and how we can get around this issue.

  10. Hi guys. Latest mission version server is running should encompass Rox's requested elements 1. & 2. and Arthur your Farmer has been available on our server since it was released! (Try the Red list).

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