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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Jabo

    X52 profile help

    Dunno m8, I have been able to configure the E button, but the clutch (I) button is locked out.
  2. NO FAIR!! What a fantastic place to live in ~S~ Jim, hope you're well Jabo
  3. OK, OK, you win, anything but being parked next to Jedi for eternity - I'd never win an argument again! Jabo
  4. Jabo

    New Machine Temps

    Looks fine to me Colin, my processor runs typically @ 10-15 deg C above ambient with gpu temps rarely above 70 deg C (usually around 40 - 50 deg). Try this handy little utility for monitoring CPU, GPU and HDD temps and fan speeds; http://www.cpuid.com/hwmonitor.php Jabo
  5. Trout is quite right, that error is down to the bumpification mod, I never saw the problem until I installed the mod. Anyway the fix is here; http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,7490.msg62780.html#msg62780 Jabo P.S. Sorry Jim, don't know about the problem you originally posted. Have you updated any drivers recently? Was it the first time you saw it happen?
  6. ~S~ and welcome aboard Roberts, looking forward to flying with you again soon. Jabo
  7. did he look like or :k9lmao: ? Prolly too slow to run BoB tho'
  8. Just got some very good news from a reliable source at Duxford - the first visitor for Legends has arrived...and this one's staying. TFC are now the proud owners of another (airworthy) Sea Fury - bringing the total on site to...erm...two...But the news gets even better. This new one has an original Centaurus engine (most of the others around the place have been re-engined), so it'll even sound like a Sea Fury should - four bladed prop and all! Jabo
  9. Awesome, brings a lump to the throat. Thanks for posting that TOAD Jabo
  10. No argument there, but I'm not sure I agree with some (all) of the BNP's policies and I'm more than a little suspicious of their agenda.
  11. It's possible, but looking at the results so far, the Conservatives have by far been the biggest winners. Prolly nothing to worry too much about. Jabo
  12. I'll sort it m8, we can deal with the cash later. What size do you need - med is 38", large is 40", xl is 42" Can I second (or third) the suggestion that people DON'T post their phone numbers in this thread as it is open to the public. PM is prolly the best way Jabo
  13. ...And here's mine Forgot this is a public thread - number deleted - will send pm to those going. Please note this is not the same number as last year, so if you've kept it since then, you might want to change it. (I got an iPhone
  14. On the subject of Gec and Vila's shirts...
  15. Rgr m8, everything's cool. Do you need a DD shirt? I've ordered them for Gec and Vila, let me know if you want one too. Jabo
  16. According to their blog, the first FL guest has arrived and is installed in Hangar 2. A 2-seat Sea Fury! Not had one there for the last couple of years, so to see that blasting round the circuit will be a treat. Jabo
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